Robert Kilroy Silk

Robert Kilroy Silk

Robert Kilroy Silk was the first celebrity to be voted out of the Camp by the public. Everybody was miserable as they hadn’t predicted that Robert would leave. However, David saw the bright side by claiming Robert’s bed, to the annoyance of the other celebrities.

David said: "He really didn’t want to be the first and so when he went out I think he was a bit shocked and he was actually broken up a bit. You could see in his face he was very emotional."

Brian said: "All of us were shocked I think, that it was between us two as to who was going to leave."

Dani added: "He’s been a real tour de force for a lot of us. He’s been really strong mentally and physically and he’s been quite a father figure to quite a few of us in the Camp so I will really miss him."

Martina said: "Robert did tell me ‘I’m going to be the first’, I said no way. He said, ‘they don’t like me’ No way you’ve been incredible here and he was unfortunately right. All of us are going to miss Robert. He was the best in the Trials and he’s gone."

George said: "I was surprised to see him go. Robert not being with us is going to be a big hole."

However to the annoyance of his Camp Mates, David was overjoyed that he could have Robert’s bed and jumped around the Camp singing: "I’ve got a bed."

He said: "Robert said I could have his bed but a couple of people weren’t very pleased that I should be comfortable. Don’t know why."

And Nicola said to Carly: "I think it was... should have been somebody else in my opinion but who am I."

And Brian said: "By the way he behaved afterwards just now immediately afterwards... did you see?"

Nicola continued: "As soon as Robert left, David in his pedantic way, said ‘oh I’ve got a new bed now’. I don’t even think Robert had got over the bridge and jumps in his bed. He’s just rude, rude, rude."