The 50-year-old former footballer - who played for West Ham under Harry's management in 1998 - is delighted that his former boss is going onto the Australian jungle-based show because he believes he will squirm at the creepy crawlies.

Harry Redknapp

Harry Redknapp

Neil 'Razor' Ruddock expects Harry Redknapp to struggle on 'I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!' after branding him a "wuss".

Razor wrote in his blog for The Sportsman: "I bloody hope he eats Kangaroo b******s. I'd like to see him eat testicles.

"Harry is a bit of a wuss. But I thought I was big and brave until I went in there and the Jungle rats are the size of cats and the mosquitoes are the size of sparrows!

"It is scary, but you get so tired after two days if you bite me, bite me, just let me go to sleep! It'll be a big shock for him."

"Over time, Harry has had my b******s on a plate. He's told me off a few times.

"So it will be nice to see Harry under a bit of stress for once. (sic)"

The former Liverpool player says the football manager - who has managed Tottenham and Portsmouth, among other clubs - can be temperamental and will undoubtedly lose his cool under the pressure of the show.

He said: "The way that people stand there and look at you, winding you up. What they do is they make you hungry and tired, and when you are hungry and tired it is when they become their most aggressive.

"You lose it and you want to argue with everyone. So I can see Harry snapping and really having a go at people, which will be hilarious for telly."

Razor also believes Harry's fatherly nature will become apparent in the jungle.

He added: "Harry will become the gaffer in the camp and a father figure."