If you're looking for an unbiased presentation of facts in a news story, Nancy Grace probably isn't the broadcast journalist you should be tuning in to watch. However, she did secure herself an exclusive with ex-fiancée of Steven Avery this week, Jodi Stachowski, who's now claiming that everything she said in Netflix's Making A Murderer documentary was a lie and, that during her time in her relationship with Avery, he beat her multiple times and even threatened to kill her, her family and a friend.

Credit: HLN
Speaking on HLN, Stachowski said: "He'd beat me all the time, punch me, throw me against the wall... I'd try to leave, he smashed the wind shield out of my car so I couldn't leave him. I was at work one day and he was up there spying through a window. I got in the car after work, I knew nothing about it, he just started slapping me. [I] got back to the jail, they told me I wouldn't be working anymore so I couldn't see him, because they noticed the red marks on my face."
Explaining what happened in a specific incident - which HLN say they have corroborated and have seen the police report from the event - she says: "He choked me one night and, well actually he started hitting me. So I called the police and then he choked me and was dragging me out the door so he could leave before the police got there. We were driving down the road and the police that were on the way pulled over, took me out of the car and asked me what was going on, and I told them and they arrested him, and ordered him to stay away from me for three days."

Stachowski claims that she took extreme measures to get away from Avery: "I ate two boxes of rat poison just so I could go to the hospital and get away from him and ask them to get the police to help me. We didn't have a phone, he ripped that out of the wall."
She even admitted that she does now think he killed Teresa Halbach - the crime which he's sitting in jail for now without the possibility of parole - adding: "Yes I do [believe Steven killed Teresa Halbach]. Because he threatened to kill me and my family and a friend of mine. I was in the bath and he threatened to throw a blowdryer in there and he told me that he'd be able to get away with it."
This is all a far cry from the way in which she acted during her time on the docuseries Making A Murderer.

In the show, she was seen talking about the police, saying: "They told me get a job and move, I moved and got a job, I'm working. I'm doing everything they told me to. My lawyer, I'm supposed to talk about my probation officer on Monday about having this no contact lifted. I just think they're doing it thinking that I'll get sick of it and leave him for my own, I don't know... Because it would be better for me if I didn't talk to him and got him out of my life. That's what I think they think. But it ain't gonna happen."
Chatting to the filmmakers she added: "I just keep thinking I wish I could talk to him. Just tell him I love him. See, I'm still here, I ain't going nowhere."
Now though her story has changed dramatically and even says Avery is bitter towards all women because of the wrongful conviction in the 80s which saw him spend 18 years of his life behind bars.
Speaking in the HLN interview, Stachowski recalls: "He told me once, excuse my language, 'all b**ches owe him', because of the one that sent him to prison the first time. We all owed him. And he could do whatever he wanted."
Despite all this, one thing that she reportedly said about Steven being a part of burning all the belongings she left behind following their split doesn't add up. He has remained behind bars ever since their relationship came to an end, so he couldn't have been a part of burning any of her belongings on the Avery Salvage Yard at that time.
Making A Murderer is available now on Netflix.
Tagged in Making A Murderer