The world's eyes have been on the Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey case ever since the arrival of Making A Murderer on Netflix, all the way back in 2015. Throughout the first season, we saw the trials of both men unfold. Charged with the murder of Teresa Halbach, the pair were eventually found guilty by separate juries. Avery was given a life sentence without the possibility of parole, whilst Dassey was told he would spend a huge chunk of his life behind bars.

Kathleen Zellner is working to free Steven Avery / Photo Credit: Netflix
When season 2 dropped a little earlier this year, audiences were introduced to Avery's new attorney, Kathleen Zellner. Famous in the world of law thanks to her incredible string of overturned convictions, in which she's ensured those who have been wrongly jailed are given their freedom, she would impress with her meticulous evidence-gathering skills, with plenty of her techniques caught on camera.
Though Avery still remained imprisoned when season 2 came to a close, that doesn't mean Zellner's work is over. She's been working hard since the cameras stopped rolling to gather more evidence and offer an alternative narrative to the one the authorities presented during the original trial.
This evening (November 15), Zellner took to Twitter to reveal her incredible theory on exactly what she thinks happened on the day Halbach was killed, even giving details and making claims about the days following the tragedy.
She doesn't name Bobby Dassey explicitly as her suspect during her explanation of her version of events, but that is the conclusion that most people are coming to after reading what she has to say. They also believe Zellner thinks Bobby's step-father, Scott Tadych, helped dispose of Halbach's body following her murder.
She wrote in a series of tweets: "On 10/31/05, Scott Tadych visited Bobby at the Avery salvage yard (ASY) around noon.
"After Teresa (TH) called the Dassey landline for directions, our suspect contacted her back with the Dassey address.
"Teresa arrived at the ASY around 2:30-2:31 p.m. on 10/31/05. Only Bobby and Steven saw her. After completing her photo assignment, she left & turned West on Hwy 147 around 2:38 p.m. Our suspect followed her. Steven was in his trailer.
"Our suspect gets TH to pull over. She opened her car's rear cargo door to retrieve her camera, was knocked to the ground and struck with an object.
"TH was put in the rear cargo area of the RAV4 and driven back to ASY.
"TH's RAV4 was spotted leaving the ASY with an unknown driver at 3:45 p.m.
"RAV4 was left by the old dam West of Mishicot on 10/31/05.
"3 witnesses saw RAV4 up to 11/4/05, then it was gone.
"Recent investigation shows the RAV4 battery died, so it was replaced in order to move the RAV4 to the ASY.
"TH's body was burned in a burn barrel. Dassey burn barrel had human bones.
"60% of bones and 31 teeth missing.
"A witness smelled horrible odor of something burning in Manitowoc County gravel pit the evening of 10/31/05.
"The Dassey garage was never luminoled or DNA tested. Bobby hung a deer in the Dassey garage on 11/4/05.
"Sikikey note - Body burned at smelter 11/4/05, 3 a.m. Tadych worked the night shift at a smelter facility. His nickname: Skinny.
"TH's electronics were not burned in Steven's burn barrel; they were burned in Dassey burn barrel.
"Suspect knew Steven's finger re-bled on 11/3/05 because he observed it.
"Suspect had access to Steven's trailer to remove blood from the sink.
"Only our suspect knew the blood in the sink was Steven's and not TH's (this rules out the police).
"Suspect planted blood in RAV4, bones in Steven's burn pit, and TH's electronics in Steven's burn barrel.
"In conclusion, the killer is the person who had the access and opportunity to plant Steven Avery's fresh blood in Teresa Halbach's car."
The theory is an incredible eye-opener if to be believed. Zellner alledges that "our suspect", likely Bobby Dassey, gave Halbach directions from the Avery Salvage Yard, and then followed her in a bid to woo her. She's said in a follow-up tweet during a round of #AskZellner on Twitter that she believes whoever murdered Halbach was rejected, and so they killed her in a fit of rage.
And if you're in any doubt about Bobby Dassey being Zellner's lead suspect, just check out the tweet below:
What do you think? Has Zellner cracked the case wide open? We'll see in the coming weeks, as she gears up to deliver her brief to the appeals court on or before December 20, 2018. We'll be keeping watch on this case as more develops!
Making a Murderer is available to stream now, exclusively on Netflix.
Tagged in Making A Murderer