Released in mid-December, 2015, Making A Murderer is a new Netflix documentary telling the story of Steven Avery and, to an extent, Brendan Dassey - the pair who were convicted of the murder of 25-year-old Teresa Halbach in 2007.

Steven Avery / Credit: Netflix
Steven Avery, at the time of Teresa's death, was a man who had spent 18 years of his life in prison for a sexual assault charge - one of which he was exonerated of through the use of DNA evidence.
Bringing a lawsuit against Manitowac County worth $37 million because of the impact the 18 year sentence had had on his life, it was in the middle of proceedings at which point Avery was charged with murder.
At the time, defense argued that Manitowoc officers framed Avery, after two officers who were being deposed in Avery's lawsuit were a part of the team who gathered evidence on Avery's property for the Halbach murder, despite a different police force being brought in so that there was no conflict of interest in building a case.

Avery's then 16-year-old nephew Brendan Dassey confessed to raping and cutting the throat of Halbach on his uncle's orders, but later said that the confession had been coerced, with the teen changing his story multiple times and denying he did it now to this day.
Prosecution claimed that Halbach was raped and shot in the head in Avery's home and garage, but none of her DNA was ever discovered. A key to her vehicle was found in Avery's bedroom, but only on the sixth search of his trailer home, three days after a warrant was issued.
Despite that, a jury found Avery guilty and he was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Dassey was also given life in prison, but could be given an early release in 2048.
Now, over 150,000 have signed a petition on to free Steven Avery (, and an official petition on We the People is closing in on 20,000 signatures (
Whether or not anything will be officially done is anyone's guess. The justice system in America is slow at the best of times, as Avery knows after spending 18 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.

What is certain though, is that this new documentary has got the world talking, with some apalled at the way in which those in a position of power conducted themselves throughout such an important investigation.
Tagged in Making A Murderer