Brand New Series: Michelle's (April Pearson) mum Anna (Arabella Weir) has gone and done it again. She's married another new husband. And what's worse, Michelle has to move in with them into their poncey new house. But even worse, this time Michelle has to contend with a new big-titted, emotionally manipulative stepsister, Scarlett (Sia Berkeley). Before she knows what's happening, Scarlett is invading her life, co-opting her friends and offering unwanted advice about what to do about her still incapacitated ex-boyfriend Tony (Nicholas Hoult). So when Scarlett inveigles herself onto Michelle's birthday camping trip to the Gower and starts to move in on the emotionally fragile Sid (Mike Bailey), Michelle's got to do something. Sid needs Michelle: he's her friend, and he's always had a thing for her anyway, so she does the only thing she knows. And it's fantastic, and hang on. How are they going to tell Tony? And who's that arriving back from Scotland and full of hope for Sid? Now that is bad timing. Also guest starring Morwenna Banks. Writer: Sally Tatchell; Dir: Simon Massey; Prod: Chris Clough; Prod Co: Company Pictures Michelle goes to visit Tony Michelle introduces new step-sister Scarlett to the gang The gang drive to Wales for Michelles birthday camping trip
The gang arrive on the beach and go skinny dipping
Tagged in Skins