It's Not A Holiday!
Group travel is NOT a holiday; it is a life experience. It’s NOT a Holiday! is a true, yet funny look at group tours. In the book we discuss 20 stereotypical characters found on most tours and share real life stories from our time on the road to highlight how to avoid the usual pitfalls on tour and how to get the most out of your trip.
When did you both first know that you wanted to travel?
Andy: Since I was a 10-year-old kid. BBC documentaries about Africa have always fascinated me and made me want to travel. David Attenborough has a lot to answer for!
Kirsty: I have also always wanted to travel but I guess, as a 29 year old staring down the barrel of a life that involved a 9-5 job, marriage, a white-picket fence and kids really gave me the push I needed to get going.
What have been the biggest highs and lows of the job?
By far the biggest high for us as tour leaders is seeing happy, smiley passengers at the end of a long-haul trip. So it goes without saying the biggest low of the job is putting your heart and soul into a trip and still having miserable people at the end. You just can’t help some people – luckily they are few and far between. Most people know how to have a good time.
Please can you give us some insight into the characters you have created that you can expect to find on a travel adventure?
The best adventure travel groups have mixed demographics because everyone brings something different to the table. Sensible Older Person and Older Independent Couple will balance and ground a group. Natural Leader and Mother Figure will be the glue that keeps a group united. Single Bloke and His Mate, Jester and Nymphomaniac will keep things lively. Man-Hater, Oracle and Whinger will provide the challenges.
Andy, please tell us about the moment you became hooked on overlanding.
Three days after arriving in Nairobi. I had just given up my job, girlfriend and house to fulfil my dream of overlanding through Africa on a truck. Even as I boarded the plane I was questioning my decision. I have never looked back after ten years on the road.
You have visited many places in your time on the job – which is your favourite?
We have so many favourite places for so many different reasons… If we had to pick out a few – East Africa for the wildlife safaris and gorilla trekking, Iran for the history and hospitality, Argentina and Uruguay for the meat and red wine lifestyle and Brazil and Venezuela for the beaches.
Kirsty, please tell us how you stumbled on the concept of overlanding.
I was backpacking in Turkey and had loose plans to make my way overland to Cairo where I was next flying out from. I wasn’t really sure how I was going to do it but wasn’t too worried as I had six weeks in Turkey to figure it out. Then I bumped into a group that were travelling on a big truck through the Middle East to Egypt. I was sold. What a fantastic way to travel – especially through countries that I preferred not to do on my own as a single female. I continued my travels around Turkey and then jumped on the next truck going through. I even booked myself onto the biggest trip the company offered in Africa – a six month trip from London to Cape Town. I had a ball!
What is the best piece of advice that you could give to someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?
First and foremost – do it! It is without a doubt the best thing we have ever done. Secondly, go on an overland trip as a passenger first to see if it really is your cup of tea. It is good to experience overlanding as a passenger – we think it makes you a better tour leader. It is also important to remember that being a tour leader is a job – it is not all about fun and partying. It can be very challenging and rewarding at the same time. It is a lifestyle job, not one you do for the money.
What is next for you both?
We are currently in France for the winter busily writing more books. Next stop is Australia where we are looking forward to kitting out our own 4x4 vehicle and travelling in the Outback.