It’s only when you become a parent that you know the true extent that having a child can have on your life. With there being so much to learn and no pre-written handbook to guide you through the new born cries, how to handle the ‘terrible twos’ phase or even how to complete primary education homework, the journey through parenthood, whilst hugely rewarding, can also be exhausting.

Parenting on Female First
It is often said that your social life, fitness levels and overall physical and mental health should come first, but with high demands placed on parents who are consumed by love and adoration for their little ones, it is easy to forget the importance of taking time out.
It’s imperative to remember that in most cases, taking a small break can be hugely beneficial. Time away from your children won’t lead to them suffering, it can actually result in the opposite, with it being healthier for both you and your little one. From the day they’re born, children are observing and imitating those around them, and their behaviours and beliefs are moulded by the world they live in. Taking the time out for selfcare plays an important role in setting a good example to your children.
Sleep deprivation is common in parents and studies reveal that in the first year of a baby’s life, new parents get an average of only four hours and 44 minutes sleep per night. This can negatively affect overall functioning as well as increasing feelings of exhaustion. Life coach and relationship expert Carole Ann Rice explains “running on empty means you will be short tempered, frazzled and low on energy. Like the airlines say, put the oxygen mask over your own face before you help others. Be the role model you want your children to see. You can't parent well when you are frowning, resentful and at your wits end.”
Carole Ann Rice adds “parenthood takes its toll on everyone - we can end up feeling burned out and resentful and sadly missing out on the fun and joy of our offspring's childhood. It can put a strain on the relationship and our health - stress, insomnia, depression and anxiety reduces our immune systems. We end up picking up every virus and bug the children bring home - they get over it in days, while it takes adults weeks to recover.”
Children’s retailer, Kiddies Kingdom have collated their top five tips to ensure parents are taking time for themselves, to avoid burn out:
- Book a gym session or yoga class. As well as exercise being hugely beneficial for mental and physical wellbeing, this dedicated time will ensure you take a break.
- Make time to see friends or spend time with your loved one. Schedule in an afternoon coffee or an occasional evening off, this will open opportunities to have a grown-up conversation and give your mind a short break.
- Pamper days are a fantastic outlet for altering frame of mind. A spa or hair appointment will take only a couple of hours out of your day and will induce feelings of positivity both inside and out.
- Altering your sleep schedule to allow an hour or two of free time could work wonders for your wellbeing. If your child sleeps until late morning, ensure you get to bed at a reasonable time so that you can be up bright and early. Use the time before your child wakes to read a book or have a relaxing shower.
- Ask for help. When you let go of the need to manage every single detail, you open yourself up to having just a little more time to yourself.
As a parent, spending time with your children is certainly one of life’s greatest pleasures. While that will never change, making time for yourself is equally important. Plan well-deserved ‘me time’ into your everyday schedule to reap the benefits.