Christmas is coming and that means it's time to start buying presents for your children, it can be a stressful time especially when their Christmas list keeps changing. Figuring out what to buy your children is difficult; research has been undertaken by Tesco from a poll of 2,000 UK parents with kids aged 0-16 years which found that 66% of parents are not sure what to buy their children for Christmas and that it can take as long as 16 and a half days to buy the perfect Christmas gift! That's time that not everyone has spare.

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

In fact, over two weeks to find a present Throws into the mix so many problems. Considering that most parents work, it means they wait right up until the days before Christmas to buy their presents. This means gifts that parents think their kids want are sold out or really hard to get hold of, it doesn't help that their child keeps changing their mind on their perfect presents.

Along with their research Tesco have set up a 'toy tester hotline' In order to help parents with their gift buying this Christmas, which has children on hand to give their advice on the best toys to have this Christmas, why they like it and a bit more on the toy. Its available on Saturday the 5th of November between 10 and 2.

Dr Sam Wass the child psychologist is investigating just how confident parents actually are choosing presents that they believe their child wants for Christmas. He states "In our research we identified that just under half of parents (44 per cent) did not correctly guess the main present choice of their child. Of the ones that did guess correctly, the parents tended to be Mums (75 per cent). Dr. Wass continued: "The above scores occurred in contrast to the confidence ratings parents gave ahead of the test, which were consistently above 8 out of 10 across all parents (with '0' being not confident at all, and '10' being extremely confident). The results show a real disconnect between what parents think their child wants and what they actually want."

To get the inside scoop on what your child wants this Christmas try the Tesco 'Toy Tester Hotline' 0207 553 7344!