Any parent knows that young children love to move around. They go from crawling around the home to swinging from monkey bars in the playground. As they get older it can be a challenge to ensure they get enough daily physical activity.

Parenting on Female First
New evidence reveals that children are spending too much time indoors. Research compiled by Clip ’n Climb International shows that on an average weekend, children in Britain spend 15 hours and 30 minutes cooped up indoors connected to smart phones, tablets and video games.
Here, we explore the reasons why parents should help kids to take part in physical and fun activities.
Physical development
Taking up regular physical activity and reducing sedentary time helps prevent childhood obesity and associated diseases later in life. Exercise for kids doesn’t have to focus on competitive team sports, often they can get their kicks from fun leisure activities such as indoor climbing centres, dance classes, trampolining and outdoor pursuits.
Brain booster
Getting kids out of the house and away from screens is vital to ensure they have a balanced lifestyle and develop the skills that will help them get on in life. Two thirds of parents who were surveyed in the Clip ’n Climb research (66 percent) agree the amount of time their child spends online is affecting their social skills. Taking part in physical activity allows their brain to develop vital connections, leading to improved concentration and thinking skills.
Physical activities can reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. Stimulating the body and mind can actually help children gain confidence and positive self-esteem, which they can take with them into adulthood.
Boosts confidence
When kids enjoy an activity, they want to do it more. Practicing a skill, whether it's swimming or riding a bike, can help them feel high levels of accomplishment. These positive vibes often encourage children to continue physical activities and have the confidence to try others too.
Creating memories
The memories made doing something active with friends and family can last a lifetime. From scoring the winning goal in a match to building a shelter in the woods, these memories may always be cherished.
Eight in ten (82 percent) of parents surveyed in the Clip ’n Climb study said they are reluctant to let their child play outdoors because of their own safety fears. Thedigital age we live in prompts other fear factors too. However, structured activities in safe environments and led by the experts allow parents to have peace of mind that their children are secure.
Family time
Often it’s hard to vision doing something together as a family, particularly if you have children of differing ages. However, there’s lots of access to activities that are suitable for the whole family. Clip ’n Climb centres across the UK welcome all ages from 4 years up to 99 years old! Many include soft play areas for toddlers too. To discover more and to find your nearest fun climbing centre go to: