If your child is starting secondary school this September, as a parent, you may be feeling a little anxious about how your child will feel and whether they will enjoy their high school experience. However, for children, nerves are even greater with fears of not making friends or finding the work load stressful. Children are told to push their worries aside and look forward to high school.

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

School stickers, leading provider of school awards, revealed that 65% of school children admit that they are worried to start secondary school.

The most common concern of children with 34% is ‘not making any friends’. 27% are anxious that they will not be able to do the work. A further 26% fear that they will be bullied.

However, 35% of children said that they hadn’t been worried at all.

Despite the fears of the unknown, children who had started secondary school, 46% revealed that it was less scary that they thought it was going to be. 45% said that it was not scary at all. Only 6% of kids said it was scarier than they thought it would be.

Many children felt excited about starting the new term at a new school with 64%. The reasons for feeling excited with 60% admitting that they were looking forward to making new friends with half looking forward to learning new things. Playing new sport was also what children were excited about.

Neil Hodges, Managing Director, School Stickers, said, “Starting secondary school is a major milestone in most people’s lives and can be incredibly daunting. We hope that the more than half a million pupils starting secondary school this autumn will be reassured when they hear that it is unlikely to be as scary as they might think it will be and probably won’t be scary at all.”


by for www.femalefirst.co.uk