Women have a huge list of to-dos each day

Women have a huge list of to-dos each day

Hardworking mums devote one third of their waking lives to running around after their children, it has emerged.

The incredible extent to which the nation's mothers are at the beck and call of their families was revealed following a detailed study into the lives of 2,000 mums.

The report found the lady of the house can expect to put in around 27,250 hours in their lifetime shopping, cooking and carrying out chores.

That means they devote a staggering 1,135 days of their lives to bringing up the kids.

The study was commissioned by milk&more, the modern online top-up shopping service.

Spokesman Andrew Kendall said: "Everyone knows that mums are the backbone of the family unit.

''But seeing just how long they spend running around after their families puts things in to perspective.

''If mums got some help with just the cooking, they would have nearly four additional hours a week to spend time having fun with their children.

''With most mums working as well it's important that they have flexibility in their lives.

''Spending nearly half a year of your life just doing essential food shopping isn't exactly fun.''

The report found shopping takes up the bulk of that time, taking up a massive 4,155 hours 49 minutes.

Cooking, baking and preparing breakfasts and lunches uses up 2,180 hours and 52 minutes - or more than 90 days.

Unsurprisingly, three quarters of the mums surveyed said they felt they would like a few more hours in the day to get everything done.

One in ten said they found themselves cleaning and paying bills well in to the night.

Only four out of ten mums said they get any help around the house despite the fact that most of those surveyed held down a full time or part time paid job as well.

Food shopping - 4,155 hours 49 minutes
Cooking - 3,603 hours 36 minutes
Tidying - 2,620 hours 48 minutes
Washing - 2,442 hours 57 minutes
Washing Up - 2,180 hours and 42 minutes
Ironing - 1,787 hours 45 minutes
School Run - 1,740 hours 57 minutes
Cleaning the oven - 1,694 hours 9 minutes
Helping with homework - 1,544 24 minutes
Cleaning the bathroom - 1,506 hours 57 minutes
Appointments - 1,432 hours 4 minutes
Running kids to afterschool clubs - 1,301 hours 2 minutes
Paying bills and sorting repairs - 1,240 hours 12 minutes

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