Babies can be taught life survival skills very early on
Spend some quality time with your child in the water

Spend some quality time with your child in the water

Swimming with your baby is an experience that you won't forget, yet 40 per cent of parents admit that this is something that they have never considered.

Not only is it thrilling and bonding it is about the safety of your child when it comes to water as drowing is the third biggest cause of accidental deaths among children in the UK. Time in the pool can be special for you both as you can give your baby undivided attention whilst having fun together.

As well as teaching them a life-skill, swimming is also great for their physical and mental development. Not only does it make them fitter and stronger, helping them to eat and sleep better, but movement has crucial neurological benefits.

The majority of parents surveyed by Water Babies, believe that a child should learn to swim from the age of three, but in fact they can learn from much earlier. The first year of life is a time when the brain grows the most rapidly; with every action stimulating its growth, strengthening nerve fibres and making it function more effeciently.

Three-year-old Lily Brooker-Collins showed that the skills learnt in the pool stick with you. Helen, Lily's mother says: "Whilst on holiday this year, Lily feel into the swimming pool. Much to the amazement of adults who went rushing to her aid, she turned and swam to safety, completely un-flummoxed. Three years old and able to look after herself in such a scary situation. Wow, that's pretty amazing if you ask me."

The poll found that although 90 per cent of mums and dads agree that it is their own responsibility to ensure their children have key life skills, such as being able to swim, ride a bike and have good table manners, over a third admit that other daily commitments, namely long working hours and household chores, take priority.

Paul Thompson, co-founder of Water Babies, says: "Teaching a child basic water safety and confidence in the water saves lives. Amazingly, with progressive training, babies can be taught life survival skills very early on, such as turning onto their backs or, following a sudden submersion, swimming to the nearest solid object."

Water Babies comissioned the research, which also found that 67 per cent of parents ranked swimming as one of the least important like skills, to raise awareness of the importance and benefits of teaching children to be confident in the water from as young an age as possible.

Paul says: "Our youngest baby began learning water confidence with us at just two days old. The first year of a baby's life is crucial in terms of development and regular exercise plays a vital role in this. Water allows for a baby's muscles to move freely without the contraints of gravity - making being in the water the perfect exercise for tots."

But it seems there are other factors affecting parents' attitiudes towards taking the plunge with their little ones. Whilst three quarters of parents said they enjoy the bonding time that activities with their offspring provide, one in four said their personal fitness levels prevent them from getting involved. A further one in five parents cannot swim themselves and a quarter say the idea of donning a swimsuit was enough to prevent them from joining in with aquatic activities with their children.

Paul concludes: "Whilst it's a huge shame that so many young children across the UK may miss out on the fun and health benefits of swimming this summer because their parents lack confidence in the water, the more worrying fact is that drowings will occur that could easily be prevented if children were taught simple swimming skills from an early age."

Book a lesson with you child and give them some independence from an early age. You never know, it could one day save their life.

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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