Research conducted by has found that a fifth of expectant mothers would prefer to recieve money over a gift at their baby shower.

Parenting on Female First

Parenting on Female First

Initially all respondents were asked “Did you request specific gifts for your baby shower?”, it was uncovered that just over a fifth requested money. Other mothers requested gifts such as clothes, toys and nappies.

It was also found that one in eight mothers did not ask for anything from their guests.

Those who had asked for money were asked what the average amount of money they received was, with it being found that they received an average of £30 from each person. When compared to the cost of the gifts other respondents received, the average cost of these presents was £20, amounting to a £10 difference.

Relevant participants were next questioned as to whether any guests refused to give money to which 37% said that they had. When asked if they had fallen out with friends or family over their request for money, a quarter stated this was the case.   

Of all those taking part, 1 in 20 expected gifts from people who were not even invited to their shower.

Finally, it was found that of those who had received gifts, 42% admitted they had some that had yet to be used and 27% said they had returned or exchanged some of their presents.

George Charles, a spokesperson for, commented:

“The price of parenting is huge and even with the best budgeting system new parents are bound to struggle with a host of new outgoings. The rise in people asking for money is no surprise, any help parents can get ahead of welcoming a new born can be hugely beneficial and help them steady their finances before the arrival of their new-born. Requesting money is something that people are generally embarrassed about because they don’t want to feel like they have failed, but if you have already bought everything for the child there is no need for friends and family to buy more, as it can lead to unused gifts or even returns or exchanges.”

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