A Thing Of The Past?

A Thing Of The Past?

TradeFurnitureCompany.co.uk have revealed that an increasing number of families no longer have a traditional sit-down evening meal. Hectic schedules and long days result in families spending the most important time of the day together, less likely to sit around a dining room or kitchen table at dinner time.

The study showed that 46% of families no longer share an evening meal together each day with 49% revealing that they eat in front of the TV or the computer. A further 32% admitted to eating in separate rooms on a daily basis and 56% of the people who took part in the survey blame it on work patterns.

The family roast dinner is amongst one of our favourite dishes but 70% of families say that they do not have the luxury of this once a week with the problem being not having enough time to cook or not everybody is home at the same time.

Tony Clark, Managing Director of TradeFurnitureCompany.co.uk said: "Busy families are simply unable to get together at meal times these days and family life is much the worse for this trend."

He added: "Family values have certainly changed. It's obvious that the lure of multiple television, computer and phone screens are dragging people away from what were once traditional household activities."

The TradeFurnitureCompany.co.uk says it supports any campaign to bring families back together around a dining table.

by for www.femalefirst.co.uk

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