Stories of the terrible twos may appear to be coming true as your child changes mood, makes immediate demands and throws tantrums, especially in the supermarket or other public places. Some parents find this phase actually begins at three instead of two.
"No" may seem like your child's favourite word
"No" may seem like your child's favourite word. She'll dislike changes to routine and will strongly resist doing anything she doesn't want to.
This challenging behaviour should ease off as her fourth birthday approaches and you'll find you can sort things out by talking and reasoning.
During the toddler and preschool years you should also notice a change in your child's reaction when you leave her. In the early toddler years she'll want you close all the time; by two to three she'll happily go off to play knowing you're around; by three to four she'll only need to check back every so often to see you're there.
As you start the preparations for school, it may seem that these first years have gone by in the blink of an eye.
Spend time going over photos and momentoes of the first four years of your child's life to remind yourself of the many things you've done and learned together - your child may enjoy doing this with you.
This information should be used as a guide only. Children develop at different stages, but if you're concerned you should contact your doctor or health professional.