New research by The Industry Trust for IP Awareness, in partnership with the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), reveals that one in five children and teens are disturbed by content they have watched via illegal sites.
The research also reveals that a quarter of children and teens are downloading films illegally with 11-15 year olds unaware of the film certificate.
Many illegal film websites do not provide an age restriction on films so this allows any age to watch whichever film they wish. But one in five children and teens are disturbed by content they have watched via illegal sites. Two thirds of film fans wished that they had checked the film's official age rating to prevent this from happening.
Although half of the children admit to being aware of rules in place at home, designed to restrict what they can and can’t look at on the internet, a quarter download or stream movies from unofficial sources, which offer no guidance on age ratings.
The online study asked 1,000 UK 11-15-year-olds about their online viewing habits with a third of younger children aged 11-12 admitting to having recently downloaded or streamed a film rated 15 from a pirate website. Children aged between 11-15 admit to using illegal websites to keep up with what their friends are watching.
More than a quarter of 11-15 year olds say their parents don’t know what films they are watching online. Interestingly, a third wouldn’t feel comfortable with younger siblings copying their viewing habits.
Parents are being encouraged to take advantage of free tools and advice online to help take control of what their children are watching, as almost half of 11-15 year olds spend up to an hour each day watching movies-on-the-move via smartphones and tablets during the summer holidays.
Holby City actress Tina Hobley is fronting a new campaign to help parents protect their children from this problem. She urges parents to keep a close eye on what their kids are watching online this summer: “As a mum, I know how excited my kids get at the thought of watching the movies they love during the holidays, but I also know how tough it is to keep tabs on what they are downloading or streaming online.
She adds: "This research shows peer pressure is tempting kids to visit illegal websites for their film fixes even though they know these websites are off limits, and many are clearly upset by the content they stumble upon. Portable smartphones and tablet devices mean children and teens will often be watching films away from the safety of the front room this summer, which is why I’m urging parents to know how to access film and TV content online safely and legally, and check out the tools and help that are available.”
Top tips for parents to provide safety by The British Board of Film Classification
There are five simple steps parents can take today to ensure their children are safe and legal when watching films online (deliver top 5 tips):
1) Start by visiting – a one-stop shop where you can find all films, all above board, all in one place. The website has been developed by the film industry and contains information on BBFC age ratings and BBFCinsight to help families make informed decisions about their film choices.
2) Activate simple parental controls – it’s easy to set up access controls on laptops, tablets and smartphones, which allow you to decide if you want films with certain ratings to be password protected and it’s possible to block specific websites. If you’re not sure how, contact your Internet Service Provider for more information.
3) Get to grips with the BBFC age ratings – visit the BBFC website for a simple guide to the age rating of films. You know children better than anyone and are the best person to decide what they should be watching.
4) Do your homework. Some films are rated U or PG because they contain no material that is unsuitable for a particular age category, but they might not necessarily be suitable for children. GONE WITH THE WIND (PG) is a good example. This classic Hollywood film is rated PG but it isn't intended for children.
5) Start them young! Kids have a great love and appreciation for films. The younger they are when they understand why films have to be classified and why it’s important to access films via legal channels, the safer they will be when it comes to watching films online.
Responding to the research, Lucy Brett, Head of Education for the BBFC, said:
"There is a wealth of free digital tools and advice available for parents and children to take advantage of so they feel confident about their family accessing films safely and legally online., the easy-to-use gateway to legitimate film, now carries BBFC age ratings and BBFCinsight, so families know what they are accessing is not only from above board and safe sources, but that they have at their fingertips information which allows parents to make informed decisions about the right film choices for them and their families.”
Liz Bales, Director General of the Industry Trust for IP Awareness, added:
“Public concern around what children are watching online has never been higher, making age-appropriate guidance even more critical. The film and TV industry believes education has a role to play. We provide tools to educate families around legitimate and age-appropriate source of film and enable parents and guardians to talk to their children to help them navigate the online landscape safely and legally.”