Kids have officially had their say about what snacks go into their lunch box this summer as for the first time in the UK a major food company has asked children to design and approve their products.
The Eat Natural KidsBoard is an elite panel of 8 children aged between 7 and 13 with a genuine interest in food and cooking. Tired of eating grown-up snacks, they volunteered to represent the pre-teen population and let the adult world know what they think is good for them and create their own recipes for the new Eat Natural Lunchies snack bars.
Female First spoke to Josh,aged 12 and Elliot, aged 8 about what they got up to on the KidsBoard and what they really think about healthy food.
So what was it like being on the Eat Natural KidsBoard?
Josh: It was really fun especially when we got to go into the factory and watch the bars being made. Then afterwards we got to create our bars and that was quite fun.
How did you come up with the recipes?
J:Well we was with partners and we had to discuss it because usually you wouldn't cook on your own anyway. Me and my partner liked the same sorts of foods so we came up with our recipe quite quickly.
And what did you put in your snack bars?
Elliot:Bananas, apricots and milk chocolate.
Do you like eating healthy food?
J:Yeah I didn't eat my five portions of fruit before going to Eat Natural but afterwards I realised that I should do and since then I have.
Do you think it's important that children eat healthy food?
J:If you want to live long and you want to do a lot of sport then you need to eat healthy. If you just eat crisps and chocolate all day you won't feel healthy and you won't be able to do anything.
Do you like cooking at home?
J:Yeah because when I go shopping with my mum she let's me choose a dinner for one day of the week. Then I choose a dinner that I like and I help her cook it.
E:Sometimes I like cooking but it depends what it is. Spag bol is my favourite.
What are your favourite things to take in your school packed lunch?
E:Chicken tikka sandwich, maybe a packet of crisps, an eat natural bar, a piece of fruit and maybe apple juice.
Eat Natural Lunchies have come at a time when most parents are at the point of despair with their quest to get their kids to eat healthy. It is hoped that the kids seal of approval will make them of greater appeal to young people, encouraging them to eat healthily and lowering their risk of becoming yet another childhood obesity statistic.
Part of the reason that there is often some resistance at the dinner table is that adults have far fewer taste buds than children making their sensitivity to strong flavours much greater. With this in mind it's easy to see why a lot of parents struggle to get their children eating certain food and how it can easily be misread as an opposition to a healthier diet.