What are you doing with your children this half term?

What are you doing with your children this half term?

With half term upon us, great days out - the ones sepia-tinted memories are made of - come in all shapes and budget-sizes. While some variables depend on the weather, there are many things you can anticipate and plan for. 

Mumsnetters share their tips for great days out:

Keep it simple
Sometimes the best days out boil down to outdoor space and dry weather...

• We like to go to the beach or walk around the Broads - if you take a picnic and Thermos then, apart from the occasional parking fee, they're free. MegBusset

• We like to go somewhere with lots of outdoor space for the children to run around. Adventure playgrounds are a big hit, as are forest walks with coloured signposts for them to find their way. Carrotsandcelery

• Let small children loose in woods and they will be happy for HOURS. Sticks, dens, climbing = very happy. Mamaduckbone

Cheap as chips
 There's nothing more satisfying than a great day out. Oh, actually there is. A great day out that doesn't bankrupt you...
• Buy an annual membership so that you can save on multiple visits to a good venue. BornSticky

• Gift shop money comes out of the children's chores money - it makes them think seriously about whether they really need it. Inmysparetime

• We always always buy a magnet for the fridge everywhere we go. It's a cheap reminder of happy times. Pinot

Come rain or shine
Rain is always a possibility in our sceptered but soggy isle, but wet weather doesn't have to ruin your day...
• If you're rained on at the beach, part of the fun is sheltering in amusement arcades and little cafes. Snapespeare

• I keep rain ponchos and a small towel (for wiping down wet slides, swings, benches etc) and an assortment of spare clothing in the boot for those times when the weather isn't quite    what you anticipated. ShatnersBassoon

• Pick a place with both indoor and outdoor space in case of lousy weather.BornSicky

Must-have ingredients for destinations...
• So as long as there are toilets, we're fine. Iggly

• Anywhere that is enclosed but seemingly spacious for my two. A good range of 'trails' and 'quizzes' and 'treasure hunts' are also a big hit. BenedictsCumberbitch

• I like interactive kids' museums, places with things they can touch and do. Firawla

Nuggets of wisdom
It's the small things that make a difference...
• Get wherever you're going early, crowds never seem to appear before 11am. Sphil

• Freeze small cartons of juice and stash them in the picnic bag. They keep the food cool and fresh and you have cold juice for lunchtime. Whomovedmychocolate

• Wear comfortable shoes. You'll look more stylish in wedges, but with trainers or walking boots on you'll be less ratty by the end of the day. CMOTDibbler

• Play Who Can Keep Quiet The Longest in the car. Dangle the sweets before you start. UseTheForce

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