Mother Mother

Mother Mother

 Vocalist / guitarist Ryan Guldemond says the track is “a Gouge Away meets Billie Jean inspired rock anthem about reconciling with, or perhaps NOT reconciling with one's dirty little secrets from one's sordid past, and of course, all the inherent guilt that comes along with all of that. Something we learned from our parents and good friends.”

Mother Mother have generated a lot of support from all sides in the UK after the release of their album O MY HEART and the recent visit with performances at The Great Escape and Liverpool Sound City amongst others.  Their modern pop/rock with beautifully bent portraits of vocal harmony, clever, offbeat lyricism, and dynamic instrumentation found many fans. Their sound is best encapsulated on their sophomore album, O My Heart, produced by Howard Redekopp (Tegan and Sara, The New Pornographers).

Ryan Guldemond – Vocals/Guitar
Molly Guldemond – Vocals/Synths
Jasmin Parkin – Vocals/Keys
Jeremy Page – Bass/Horns
Ali Siadat – Percussion