Beyonce – Broken Hearted Girl
We all love Beyonce, she is such an amazing singer and always looks stunning. The video for the video is shot on a beach and she looks lovely and classy. It’s not like a Paris Hilton beach video!
To be honest, she seems to be holding back the ‘diva’ voice quite a bit on this single, but it really works because it makes the lyrics a lot more believable. We can all relate to the lyrics within this song, and if you actually listen to what she’s saying, it can make you feel quite sad.
The single is a lot mellower and R n B sounding than her other tracks, and it’s a real ballad break up song. It focuses on her voice rather than anything else, and she doesn’t have to over-do it with instruments or anything.
It’s very simple and very honest, there isn’t a Beyonce song we don’t love, she is one of the best singers around!
Find out what else the girls got up to below;
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