KELLY: Some pepper plants and some herbs ,very boring.
TOM: Just bought a new pair of knee pads.
ANDREW: A prawn sandwich!
DREW: A birthday card!
MEL: The last thing I bought were some Muslin Cloths in Mothercare....glamorous eh? My baby is due in 8 weeks!
LAURA: 3 dresses, 2 pairs of shoes and a bag!!! Just 5 mins ago!
13. Have you ever been arrested?

That's a no from all of us except for Tom who once upon a time was arrested, for using a police no waiting cone as a lampshade!!! (Absolutely true)

14. Speaking of prison - if you were to send someone to prison for crimes against music, who would it be?

MEL: I would arrest Pete Waterman and co for crimes against music for entering that god awful song in Eurovision!
ANDREW: Some of the contestants on TV talent shows! I'm sure they're great people & are mainly there for the experience of it - but ouch!!!
KELLY: Mr Blobby!
TOM:  I would send anybody who constantly riffs to Alcatraz. Just sing the note and tell the story.
LAURA: This years Eurovision entry + Pete Waterman!!!
DREW: I'm with Mel and Laura on this one! Tragic!
15. What were you doing last night at 11?

DREW: Travelling home from work!
MEL: Throwing things at the TV watching Eurovision!
KELLY: Driving home from work! Seem to spend my life driving!
ANDREW: Probably puking down the loo! Who says we're not glamorous? lol
TOM: Writing a song
LAURA: Watching Little Britain, drinking a cup of coffee and having a Jaffa Cake! Ahh!