

The last time we spoke to those four little superstars in Kasiuss was in the depths of winter as we huddled outside some bar in Harrogate waiting for them to 'tear this place apart' with their little spectacle over the course of the night.

Now that the days have gotten warmer and we had some exciting things to talk about, I invited the boys into our office for a cup of tea from a pink cup with hearts on and a good old fashioned chin wag.

So get yourself a brew (and maybe even a Kit Kat), slip your headphones on and open a word document that you can type random letters into so it looks like your working when your boss walks past, then press PLAY!

Want to see what else the little tigers got up to?

Kasiuss Cover Adele's Rolling in the Deep

Kasiuss Perform Wonders Prevail
Kasiuss Photo Gallery

Like what you see? Then sign our petition to get Kasiuss To Slam Dunk!

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