Emma Deigman looks set to be your new favourite singer this year after landind a support slot with none other than those vixens in Girls Aloud on their Out Of Control tour. I caught up with the little stunner to find out just how she got to where she is today…

Emma Deigman

Emma Deigman

Hello there pretty, how are things going in your lovely world?

Just gigging a lot and I star my regional radio tour this week which should be pretty fun but hard work too! Then I’m just doing different promo stuff until it’s time for the Girls Aloud tour which I’m so excited about!

So how did supporting Girls Aloud come about?

Well we had been looking for a tour support for a bit as it would be great advertising for me if I went on tour with a big band, we heard that Girls Aloud were touring and they would be one of the biggest tours of the year - except Take That - and then I did my video with the woman who does all the Girls Aloud videos, and from there we got into talks with the girls’ manager and sent a press pack off for them to see.

I think it was only when Girls Aloud saw my video and heard my song that they were the people who decided that they wanted me. It’s exciting that they picked it themselves.

Tell us a bit about the inspiration behind your foxy new record…

My new single that is about to come out is a fun song which is telling a story which says that when you lose someone you miss them if they were gone.

So can you sum your sound up in just five words?

Fun, Old-Skool, Live, Funky and Soulful.

Obviously you’re going on tour with Girls Aloud soon, but what’s been your favourite love show so far?

I went up to my producer Elliot Kennedy who lives up in Sheffield and he’s been doing these shows to show people all the song’s he’s written and what he’s achieved in the last 30 years. So he’s been doing these gigs where he plays all the hit’s he’s written, but he would play them in the way he wrote them.

For example he plays Spice Girls, Bryan Adams, 5ive and Bryan Adams. Then he did a charity concert in Sheffield where he got Bryan Adams down to sing, and Peter Kaye (he wrote Peter Key’s Christmas single) then he got me to sing as well as all the Britiannia High kids.

It was a really fun gig because the band that Elliot had got to do the show was actually the band that did my whole entire album, so it was great to play live with them out of the studio.

What makes you stand out from the crowd?

I think it would be the fact that the whole album is fun and lively and there is no song that is depressing. There are a lot of songs out there at the moment that are about band or sad things and my album is very fun and lively and I think it brings hope to people. Some people think I’m live what real-live soul was back in the day because I really want to bring back soul and Motown.

What three bands would you have to headline your dream festival?

Kings Of Leon, Britney Spears - I love her, I’m not afraid to say it - and Rod Stewart! I know that’s a really weird mix but I live them, and Rod Stewart is one of my idols too!

That’s an immense line-up, I’ll come. But who do you think is your biggest rival in the charts?

I don’t really know, I don’t see anyone as a rival as such. The thing is that there are a lot of different people around, I mean, take Lady Gaga, she’s brilliant, but she is so different from me and maybe it’s the same type of audience but it’s a different type of music. I guess you could say Duffy was a rival, but again I don’t really think my music was like her. If Joss Stone was still in the charts I would probably say her.

If you could only listen to one CD for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Gosh, can I make one? [FF: That’s cheating!] probably Gavin Degraw. [FF: I don’t know him] You know the theme some from One Tree Hill, I Don’t Want To Be, he sung that. He’s one of the most amazing and one of my favourite artists, I could listen to his songs over and over. He’s one of the best writers I’ve ever come across.

Okay, now we want to ask you some random questions;

On an airplane you are talking pleasantly to a person of average appearance. Unexpectedly, the person offers you $10, 000 (£5, 000) for one night of sex. Knowing there is no danger and that payment is certain, would you accept the offer?

No Way!

Name an experience which features an animal that you will never forget.

Well it didn’t really happen to me but when I was in Gibraltar when I was little I went to see all the monkeys and when we got there the first thing that happened was the monkey weed on my brother!

What one thing did you always want as a child but never got?

God that’s hard. Erm, I probably would have to say that I was a child actress when I was little and although I wasn’t really into toys, I was probably more gutted that I didn’t get a part in something. I don’t really remember only having one toy from being little, I don’t think my memory is that great anymore!

Haha, bad times, so we ask everyone we interview to come up with a question for the next person we interview, and Kids In Glass Houses want to know, “If you had 50p to buy the Queen a present, what would you buy her?”

I’d probably just give her the 50p because I’ve heard that she doesn’t actually have money or a purse. I think I’d give it her so she knows what it looks like. She doesn’t really need it though really, she’s the Queen.

Well that’s not on is it, she shouldn’t be allowed all her Asda shopping for free! Plus the money has her bloody face on! I’d be collecting it all if it had my face on! Anyway, can you come up with a question for the next person I interview?

I doubt she goes to Asda! But ask the next person; “If you could pick anywhere in the world to be right now, where would it be?

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison