Set in the deep future, Alita: Battle Angel tells the story of an abandoned cyborg known as Alita (Rosa Salazar) who is found in the scrapyard of a place called Iron City. Fortunately, the man who finds her is a compassionate cyber-doctor (Christoph Waltz), who takes her into his clinic and does his all to awaken her from her slumber.

What follows is an action-packed adventure where Alita battles to unlock her memories of the past, all whilst being hunted down by those who would prefer to turn her against the world and threaten the future of humanity.

Of course, the performances of a cast and the quality of a script combine and become the product of critiques from audiences, but one real huge aspect of a film is the music used and the tone the score sets.

In this exclusive video, go behind-the-scenes of Alita: Battle Angel's score creation with composer Tom Holkenborg. Check out the magic being made below:

MORE: All the films you should be watching this February

Alita: Battle Angel is released in cinemas across the UK on February 6, 2019.

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