What makes you feel happy?

What makes you feel happy?

For many women a sunny day is enough to make life good, but what else makes you feel alive?

The old adage of ‘it’s the simple things in life’ may be a cliché, but it seems that for many of us it rings true.  And for women looking to boost their confidence, just a few little pick-me-ups can make all the difference!

Recent research shows, women agree it’s the little things that count with the three things most likely to give women some extra sparkle and lift their mood: nice weather, someone complimenting them on their outfit and a kind text message from a friend or partner.

It seems some of us are being proactive in an effort to make themselves feel better and more confident including wearing makeup, making an effort with their clothes every day and making to do lists…including things they’ve already done just so they can cross something out!

So that simple things can you do to get the sparkle back into your life, the spring back into your step and the confidence into your heart to make you feel your best as we head towards summer? Listen to our podcast with Dr Pam Spurr.

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