Women’s health is a topic that often gets skirted around or misunderstood.  There is simply not enough education.  Two of the biggest issues women face are Bacterial vaginosis (BV) and Thrush, yet a worrying amount of us do not know the difference and will be using the incorrect product to treat the issue.  With 75% of women getting thrush at least once in their life, and 138 million women suffer from recurrent thrush, it is vital that we are educated on how to treat it correctly. 

Balance Activ is on a mission to empower women to take control, by opening up the conversation and educating women on the best course of action. 

Dr Priya Gopaldas, former Love Islander and spokesperson for Balance Activ, says; “both BV and Thrush are common vaginal infections and can be treated with the right course of action.  The problem is that they can have similar symptoms but it is important to know the difference so you can treat the problem effectively.”

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

B.V. Treatments
B.V. Treatments

Affecting women of all ages, the main symptom and difference to Thrush is an abnormal discharge, usually grey-white and watery, often coinciding with a strong fishy odour.  Usually caused by using perfumed products around or in your vagina or if you are sexually active – although it is important to note that BV is not an STI and should not be confused with one.

Balance Activ BV treatment is a glycogen and lactic acid-based treatment which restores the natural balance of the vagina’s pH levels. It works by effectively mimicking the vagina’s defence mechanism to naturally restore and preserve normal pH and promote ‘good’ bacteria growth.

The lactic acid plays a vital role in maintaining the vagina’s pH balance, and glycogen acts as nutrients for ‘good’ lactobacilli bacteria.  As they’re nondrug based solutions, these can be used during pregnancy. 


Thrush Treatments
Thrush Treatments

A yeast infection, that can cause incredible discomfort.  While it can affect both men and women, the problem is more common in women.  Causing itching, irritation and soreness when you pee, it often comes with white vaginal discharge but does not have a smell.

The Balance Activ Thrush Cream can be used to prevent, relieve and helps the body fight the cause of thrush. Unlike other brands, Balance Activ isn’t a drug-based product and works in harmony with your body. It creates a protective barrier that adheres to the mucosa, helping to restore and maintain a balanced vaginal pH.  The cream relieves itching, soreness and discomfort.



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