Blair is genuinely gutted by the result and heads off to talk to the headmistress, while that meddling Miss Carr advises Serena about her future, stopping only to give Blair her first B of her academic career. Oh.Dear.God.

All hell breaks loose as Blair plots against Nelly Yuki, who she believes was accepted in her place, slams Dan for having a poet's soul and seeks out Miss Carr to tell her just how things are done at Constance.

When that fails, the mean girls encourage Blair to take her revenge against Miss Carr, just as Serena declines Yale and tells her she's in instead.

Third Wheel: Miss Carr, Serena, Dan

Oh S, you big softie! Unfortunately for the ever pleasing Serena, Dan's none too happy with her 'betrayal' and does what he does best, runs off to think. My god, he and Chuck should set up a club for being complete and utter ass holes! Quite liked his sexy black leather gloves though, but that's the only compliment he's getting off me.

In a nice plot twist, Chuck goes to see Lily to get her help with taking down Jack, which is pretty out of character considering he practically disowned her at the funeral, but all the same I liked seeing their mother-son bonding session.

Lily speaks to the board on Chuck's behalf, only to then be confronted by a very nasty Jack telling her to mind her own business. As it turns out he's coked out of his head, which once again has completely come out of nowhere, but seeing as it's his last episode I guess they had to find some way to 'off' him, so to speak.

Loved L's demure look in this scene as the black suit, elegant bun and huge earrings reminded me of the 1980s a tad, and we all know how big a look that's set to be this summer. How is she so ahead of the trends?!

Someone who is in desperate need of a make-over, however is her Brooklyn lover, who has been wearing that same denim shirt for three episodes, not to mention sporting the dodgiest haircut ever sported on the show.

As Eric tried to educate Rufus about the Opera, we were finally introduced to Jenny this week, who has been off the radar since her little meltdown six episodes ago. Loved her tye-dye top and plaid pinafore dress in this scene, as she almost looked like a normal teenager with her toned down make-up and messy hair. Finally!

So, as the action moved to the evening and the Opera, we learn that the whole school and Upper East Side attend the show every year, so really it hadn't completely come out of the blue, despite no-one mentioning it all episode and all of a sudden we were at the Opera. Right...

Despite the slight plot hole, I'm glad they did treat us to a night at the Opera because it gave us some amazing fashion to look at, with Serena finally back to her stylish best.

I loved her Yellow and silver gown, with jewel incrusted bust as it showcased her two best assets, while Dan just looked like an Indie kid in his plain black suit and thin black tie.

Chuck on the other hand opted for an expensive black tuxedo, with sparkly bow tie as he greeted Rufus and Dan, while Lily looked amazing in her smokey blue and grey V-neck gown for the occasion.

Now while you can overlook certain plot holes in a drama as thrilling as this, the next part of this scene really baffled me, as Lily revealed all the answers to Chuck's problems was to adopt him.

Why hadn't they thought of this sooner and why her lawyer just happened to be at the Opera, with the adoption papers already signed by Bart is apparently something we're just supposed to accept, and while it did piss Jack off and re-unite Chuck and Lily, it all felt a tad rushed in my eyes.

So, to Blair who arrived at the Opera with one of the most gorgeous couture gowns I've ever seen. Rocking an orange and pink ruffled gown, with sequined bodice and baby blue headband, B looked a tan smug to be sandwiched between her two dads, while she left Miss Carr to rot on her own at the Boathouse.

Yes, that was B's revenge on the boring teacher- send her to a remote location to meet her, and then never show up. Fortunately Blair had an attack of conscience and rushed to meet Miss C and beg for forgiveness, which she gave to her face at least.

Clever Miss C then rang up the headmistress to inform her of Blair's actions, and lets just say this serves as an interesting plot development between the two for the next few weeks.

Back to the opera however, and we were treated to a really uncomfortable scene between Jack and Lily, as he locks them both in the bathroom and attacks her, while high on coke. Again. As he comes close to raping her, Chuck senses danger and bursts in, saving Lily and punching Jack in the process. Go Chuck!

It's sad this is what they had to resort to with Jack's character, as he had the potential to be a great recurring guest star, and whatever happened between him and Blair on New Years will now never be revealed, or will it?! My Gossip spies tell me all will become clear in the finale in July!

The next day Chuck goes to see Lily and the two share a heart to heart, with Chuck going all out with the pink and grey in matching shirt and cardigan. Ooo, how I love him!

While one family is reunited, it's clear to see both Serena and Blair are heading for trouble in the next few episodes, as Dan continues to ignore her calls and Blair is summoned to the headmistresses office.

The Humphrey must sense that he and the golden goddess are drifting apart again, and as Miss C walks into the gallery in Brooklyn to see him, and demands he calls her Rachel, it's clear to see exactly where this is going, and it can only end in tears- mark my words!

Meanwhile, B's dreams come crashing down around her ears as the headmistress informs her of Miss Carr's betrayal and tells a stunned Blair she has detention and her application to Yale has been put on hold.

Instead of looking gutted, she looks determined and enlists Dorota's help in going black-ops against the Carr, because this is a war she is going to win.

Now while I'd love to take her seriously, her plaid and tartan overload in this scene was just laughable, so I'm hoping she literally wears black next week, while on her mission just to make the whole thing more plausible.

So, what can we expect next week? Well, Miss Carr and Blair to war, which results in Gossip Girl herself being dragged into the mix. Serena and Dan face an unexpected obstacle, which results in one of them doing something unforgivable, and Chuck embarks on the most ludicrous storyline to date, which involves a nanny. Check in next week for another fashion rundown with, Carrnal Knowledge.

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry

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