Gossip Girl's Blair and Chuck make a bet

Gossip Girl's Blair and Chuck make a bet

Last season we were treated to a cotillion ball and a wonderful summer wedding, so whatever they presented us with this year, it had to be pretty spectacular to top that.

Luckily, we weren't disappointed with the dance option this episode, as the Snowflake Ball was a bit of a fashion masterpiece, and I'm reliably informed we'll get to see our fave characters at the Prom by the end of this season too.

However, I digress, and so to the episode in hand. It's A Wonderful Lie opened with Blair and Serena discussing date options for the ball. Well, I say discuss, it was really Blair trying to decide which of her many suitors would be suitable for such a classy event.

Thank god Serena's fashion seems to have improved this week, as for the serious discussion with her BFF, we were treated to a silver sequined cardigan, red tights, checked skirt and the signature loose tie around her neck.

Blair on the other hand seemed to have been taking fashion advice from Chuck, as she opted for a navy blue and white checked golf jumper, complete with a frilly shirt and some very un-Blair like black nails.

Speaking of Chuck, he decided to cause some mischief and interfere with Blair's date options by basically trashing every guy on her list. Their exchanges are priceless, as they battle back and forth with witty remarks- they should seriously get their own show, and give every CB fan what they want!

Anyway, while the terrible twosome indulge in some word foreplay, Serena scuttles off to see Dan, who looks beyond scruffy in his school uniform and the lame satchel is back too. Compared to Chuck, who somehow manages to look impeccably groomed in every scene he's in, Dan looks homeless and he's clearly still got some feelings for his leggy ex too.

As the Dan and Serena pairing hots up, we're introduced to Jenny this week, who thankfully has still toned down the make-up, but the dreadful mullet is still in place. I'm liking her minimal jewellery here though, as just the one necklace vs the multiple chains she sported during her meltdown suit her much better.

Enter Vanessa, who from here on out will be known as the troll. Harsh, perhaps, but seeing Nate behind Jenny's back is a little mean, especially when Jenny confesses to missing Nate and V keeps schtum about their involvement.

Also Vanessa's chavvy fashion taste (this week another classic mismatching striped jacket and hooped earrings) is starting to make my eyes hurt. Jenny is so much better equipped fashion wise to tackle Nate’s lack of style as well, so maybe I judged their pairing a little too harshly a few episodes ago.

While the teens battle their confusing loves lives on the UES, Lily made an appearance this week in a cute black jacket, complete with purple bow and matching eye shadow. How she's Serena's mum is baffling, considering Lily is pretty refined with her fashion choices and Serena is a tad scatty with her looks lately.

Anyways, Lily also appears to be dealing with a confusing love triangle, as she and Rufus chat about her almost nonexistent marriage to Bart. Speaking of the elder Bass, he's back and wants Lily to give him another chance- will she cave?

Serena, meanwhile has some similar troubling issues to deal with, as she heads to the gallery to see Aaron (yes, he's still on the show) and finds him deep in discussion with his ex, Lexi.

I'm not a fan of S's cheap brown leather jacket here, but her paisley top and jeans combo is bang on trend, while Lexi as a character is a total washout in this episode, I have to admit that I'm a fan of her style she works here.

Rocking a green sweater dress, leopard print coat, pink tights and cute pixie boots, it's hard to see what she ever saw in Aaron, whose facial hair is getting out of control now, and is now starting to look like a hobo. Dan, of course sticks out like a soar thumb in his plaid offering, but it seems to appeal to Lexi, as she practically offers herself on a plate to him. Poor S.

Back to the troll, and we find her openly snogging Nate in the street, which is then captured on Gossip Girl and revealed to a devastated Jenny. God, Nate is so shallow in this episode and a little sleazy too, but he does look sexy in his suit and blue shirt combo, so yes, I still would.

Jenny then, quite understandably in my eyes, plots her revenge on the troll, enlisting Penelope's help to do so. FYI, Penelope is one of Blair's minions who has always had a crush on Nate and is obviously a tad jealous of this Brooklyn nobody winning the blue-eyed boy's heart.

Anyways, they decide to make a see-through dress for Vanessa and humiliate her at the ball in front of everybody. A tad juvenile, yes, but after Jenny tearfully confronts the troll about her and Nate, she acts like an idiot and deserves everything she gets in my opinion. Bring on the Snowflake Ball!

Back to my favourite non-couple, and Chuck is in Blair's house playing the piano like a little sweetheart. He looks a tad like an upmarket Del Boy here in his Camel coat and smart suit, while Blair lets us down severely with her look. Combining a red silk top, yellow belt and black skirt is just a clash too far in my eyes, but she does manage to make the best out of a bad outfit.

They exchange some more of that banter they love so much, and end up making a bet to find each other the perfect date for the ball. Sigh, why can't they just admit they just want to go with each other?!

Well, because they are stupid and scared, but also because we're only 12 episodes in and there are 13 more to go! Cut to Blair and Serena discussing their romance issues, and Blair once again debuts a bit of a hideous outfit here too. A mustard coloured high-neck frilly blouse, complete with black and grey skater skirt make her look far too prim, even for Blair. Come on B, mix it up a bit!

It does set us up for a funny scene between B and Dorota however, as the hapless maid was asked to find Chuck's dream date. After hilariously declaring she found the girls on, "Facebook, I join few groups" Blair dismisses them all, yelling that Chuck's idea of a perfect girl was basically her. Back to square one then...

As Blair struggles to find a date, we cut to Lily looking stunning in a white Grecian dress, as she prepares to forgive Bart and give things another go, only to find that he has lied to her once more and she leaves alone. I'm taking bets that she ends up with Rufus later on at the ball...

How Awkward: Serena, Aaron, Dan and Lexi share a moment

Anyway, as the action moves to the Snowflake Ball, we're introduced to Chuck in a sequined tuxedo. Yes, our Chuck has outdone himself with this fashion choice, and it's a pity that Blair fails to match him in the style stakes with her dress.

It pains me to criticise B this much, but her strapless number was not flattering on her skintone and in all honestly, it looked like a grey denim and black patchwork nightmare sewn together. Although, she was wearing Chuck’s 17th birthday gift, so she managed to claw back some style points for that.

As they present their 'dates' to each other, we're hilariously introduced to their Doppelgangers, who are pretty much C and B in every way possible. Cue lots of arguing as the pair storm off to find their respective dates. Oh dear.

While all that drama was going on, we see Dan dancing with Lexi and I have to say (somewhat grudgingly) that Humphrey cleans up well in his tuxedo and looks almost handsome. Almost, I said. Someone who did get it wrong with their snowflake attire was Dan's lovely ex, Serena.

Aside from being very low cut, the dusky pink colour washed out her skintone, and the front was shorter than at the back for heaven's sake! Not your finest fashion hour Serena, or for you Blair come to that. Must improve next week, girls!

Just to prove I am a bit of a psychic, guess who end up talking and dancing at the ball?! Yes, Lily talking with Rufus about how she plans to leave Bart. Meanwhile, Serena and Dan engage in an awkward dance, where they clearly want to just snog each other's faces off, until Serena reveals that Lexi wants to sleep with Dan.

Now this is the one and only time I will say this, Dan has a genius moment of comical timing, which proves he is a 17-year-old boy after all and not some middle-aged man. When questioned about sex being meaningful to him, he replies, "It is...especially when I haven't had it in a while" Oh Humphrey, you slay me.

While one Humphrey goes up in my estimation, the younger H arrives looking like a gothic princess in a black fur cape, black gloves, strapless black dress and lots of, you guessed it, black beaded necklaces. It comes to something when the troll actually looks better in her silver dress than all three of our fabulous leading ladies doesn't it?!

Speaking of V, she finally tells Nate the truth about the letter she stole, while Penelope puts her plan into action and shines a light on Vanessa's now see-through dress. She runs out humiliated, only for Nate to publicly slam Jenny and run after Vanessa. I'd just like to point out, he really isn't one to judge, and taking the moral high ground here over a 15-year-old seems pretty unfair on poor J.

Anyway, he's back to loving Vanessa again, so clearly little J doesn't matter to him anymore, as he openly tongues V by a taxi. How very Brooklyn. A devastated Jenny looks on and declares to Penelope and her crownies, she'll be coming back to school and is ready for anything they throw at her. Come on Jenny!

Back to Blair and Chuck, who find their dates kissing in a corner. B is furious, while C finds the whole thing very funny indeed, as he watches Blair storm off in disgust. I can't figure these two out sometimes, but they do share a sweet moment as Chuck asks Blair to dance and they mushily stare into each other's eyes on the dancefloor.

Meanwhile, Bart is on his way to the ball, having been tipped off by Chuck about Lily's involvement with Rufus, and Aaron, Lexi, Dan and Serena share an painful moment, as each seem to realise they are with the wrong people. You don't say!?

Just as Dan and Serena admit their feelings for each other, Lily rushes over and announces that Bart has been in an accident. Duh, duh, duh...

So, where does that leave us for next week? Well, it's fair to say that the next episode belongs to Chuck, as he goes on a downward spiral, with no hopes of recovery- can Blair save him?

Serena, Dan and Aaron come to an awkward conclusion about their relationship and Eleanor and Cyrus get married, after a death rocks the UES. Check in next week for another fashion rundown with, O Brother, Where Bart Thou?

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry

Gossip Girl Season 2 Part 1 out on DVD on Monday 20th  April.

Last season we were treated to a cotillion ball and a wonderful summer wedding, so whatever they presented us with this year, it had to be pretty spectacular to top that.

Luckily, we weren't disappointed with the dance option this episode, as the Snowflake Ball was a bit of a fashion masterpiece, and I'm reliably informed we'll get to see our fave characters at the Prom by the end of this season too.

However, I digress, and so to the episode in hand. It's A Wonderful Lie opened with Blair and Serena discussing date options for the ball. Well, I say discuss, it was really Blair trying to decide which of her many suitors would be suitable for such a classy event.

Thank god Serena's fashion seems to have improved this week, as for the serious discussion with her BFF, we were treated to a silver sequined cardigan, red tights, checked skirt and the signature loose tie around her neck.

Blair on the other hand seemed to have been taking fashion advice from Chuck, as she opted for a navy blue and white checked golf jumper, complete with a frilly shirt and some very un-Blair like black nails.

Speaking of Chuck, he decided to cause some mischief and interfere with Blair's date options by basically trashing every guy on her list. Their exchanges are priceless, as they battle back and forth with witty remarks- they should seriously get their own show, and give every CB fan what they want!

Anyway, while the terrible twosome indulge in some word foreplay, Serena scuttles off to see Dan, who looks beyond scruffy in his school uniform and the lame satchel is back too. Compared to Chuck, who somehow manages to look impeccably groomed in every scene he's in, Dan looks homeless and he's clearly still got some feelings for his leggy ex too.

As the Dan and Serena pairing hots up, we're introduced to Jenny this week, who thankfully has still toned down the make-up, but the dreadful mullet is still in place. I'm liking her minimal jewellery here though, as just the one necklace vs the multiple chains she sported during her meltdown suit her much better.

Enter Vanessa, who from here on out will be known as the troll. Harsh, perhaps, but seeing Nate behind Jenny's back is a little mean, especially when Jenny confesses to missing Nate and V keeps schtum about their involvement.

Also Vanessa's chavvy fashion taste (this week another classic mismatching striped jacket and hooped earrings) is starting to make my eyes hurt. Jenny is so much better equipped fashion wise to tackle Nate’s lack of style as well, so maybe I judged their pairing a little too harshly a few episodes ago.

While the teens battle their confusing loves lives on the UES, Lily made an appearance this week in a cute black jacket, complete with purple bow and matching eye shadow. How she's Serena's mum is baffling, considering Lily is pretty refined with her fashion choices and Serena is a tad scatty with her looks lately.

Anyways, Lily also appears to be dealing with a confusing love triangle, as she and Rufus chat about her almost nonexistent marriage to Bart. Speaking of the elder Bass, he's back and wants Lily to give him another chance- will she cave?

Serena, meanwhile has some similar troubling issues to deal with, as she heads to the gallery to see Aaron (yes, he's still on the show) and finds him deep in discussion with his ex, Lexi.

I'm not a fan of S's cheap brown leather jacket here, but her paisley top and jeans combo is bang on trend, while Lexi as a character is a total washout in this episode, I have to admit that I'm a fan of her style she works here.

Rocking a green sweater dress, leopard print coat, pink tights and cute pixie boots, it's hard to see what she ever saw in Aaron, whose facial hair is getting out of control now, and is now starting to look like a hobo. Dan, of course sticks out like a soar thumb in his plaid offering, but it seems to appeal to Lexi, as she practically offers herself on a plate to him. Poor S.

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