Gossip Girl's Blair in Bonfire of The Vanity

Gossip Girl's Blair in Bonfire of The Vanity

We're now 10 episodes into the new series, and it just keeps getting better. Jenny off the rails, Blair plotting against a tiny man and Chuck uncovering Dan's secret and earning his dad's respect. Yep, that's what all lay ahead in last night's fabulous fashion instalment.

Bonfire of The Vanity opened with Dan, about to betray all his morals and beliefs to get what he wants in life, while Rufus looks on disapprovingly.  Now, I know i've been a little harsh towards the Humphrey in the past, but this new ruthless, slightly sexy Dan is starting to grow on me.

Shame he's still got a long way to go in the fashion stakes though, as tonight was another classic plaid shirt, brown coat and that hideous tan saddle bag, which he insists on carrying around.

Cut to Blair and her minions, who are eagerly planning her 18th birthday (is it just me, or is she the only one to have a birthday on this show) and B deciding that this year was all about resembling the elegance and charm of Grace Kelly.

She managed it with her style at least, rocking a gorgeous red top, black cardigan and black skirt, while Serena sampled the 80s with her gorgeous fitted white jacket, complete with sequined trim.

You've got to love Queen B's putdowns to Hazel in this episode, as her minions hilariously try and snag any boy with a pulse, while Serena obsesses over the tortured artist that is Aaron Rose.

God, I'm hating this character so far, not least because the guy who plays him looks like a serial killer, and we all know that privilege belongs solely to Chuck and his menacing eyes.

Anyway, it turned out the Aaron surprised Serena at Times Square, giving her the kiss of a lifetime, which was then beamed up on the big screen, for all the world to see.

It would have been really romantic if Serena hadn't had to stoop to give him a smooch, and look so awkward in doing so. Possibly the most uncomfortable 30 seconds of my life, and hers probably...

Away from all the drama in Times Square, we were introduced to Jenny and Agnes this week trying to convince a man, who looked suspiciously like Alistair McGowan, to invest in their business.

Being pushy teenagers and fighting in front of him didn't really do them any favours, but I have to say I'm a fan of Jenny's look this week. The raccoon eyes were still terrible, but the hair was gorgeous and her cute little tweed jacket deserves major style points.

Only she could do glam grunge, as considering it was a business meeting that was the only bit of formal attire she wore, as her skirt was short and her million necklaces and dark nails very much signaled her new punkish style roots.

Back to Blair, who was preparing to meet her mother's new beau, and being Blair she was expecting him to be a Cary Grant type figure. Screaming at Dorota to move flowers and bring out the expensive china, poor B was extremely crushed when a short little Jewish man stumbled out of the elevator.

Loving her brown polka dot dress and elegant hair for the meeting, as she found herself crushed into a hug by the best character to ever grace Gossip Girl- Cyrus Rose. The tiny man already has a catchphrase-'not enough'- and is beyond cute to Blair and her mum in this sequence.

While Blair is reeling from her shock, Chuck is busy planning to get his father's attention with tickets to a hockey game. Thank god he's back to his fashionable best this week in a luminous pink shirt and grey cardigan; how very chic.

Bart brushes him off and Chuck looks gutted, which is nice to see, as it's not often we're privied to the vulnerable side of the Bass. Just as well he's back to his plotting best seconds later however, because Dan has designs on following his father for a story, and yes he's still wearing the brown jacket. Why, Dan why?!

Away from Dan's fashion issues, we panned to Blair and Serena at school, with one musing about her 'gnome' problem and the other mushingly describing her new relationship. Blair looks like she's off to Paris here in a red cardigan and beret, and I think it's safe to say it's a look only B could pull off.

S, as always opted for the laid back look in a grey cardigan and tie hanging loosely around her neck. Yawn. Good job she changed into a grey sparkly dress and tights to pose for Aaron in his studio later, as again I had to cover my eyes in horror at the horrendous kissing going on. What can I expect really, Serena's dress was more like a top, why wouldn't Aaron pounce?!

While him and Serena were getting busy, Jenny was storming around looking for Agnes, who was stylishly rocking a hangover. I say stylish, because there is no way on earth I'd look that good with a hangover. Floppy hat, oversized cardigan and perfectly curled hair is one thing, but on-trend, manicured yellow nails, is quite another.

She even managed to make Oasis sunglasses look good for heavens sake, while Jenny just looked like a tramp in her checked cardigan and oversized T-shirt.

Apparently she'd found time to add more necklaces to her look though, so not all hope was lost on Jenny reclaiming her style crown, but her bitchy streak was well and truly back as she ditched Agnes and stole her contacts book. Naughty girl...

Seems betrayal runs in the family however, as Dan stepped up his campaign to expose Bart Bass, and was promptly invited to a hockey game with the man himself.

Rarely do I feel sorry for Chuck, but at this moment I wanted to punch Bart. Luckily Chuck stormed in, in a fashionably chic tweed jacket, blue shirt and cardi combo and put the Humphrey in his place.

Chuck being Chuck realised something was amiss and tailed Dan to find out what was going on, only to find out that Bart was in fact a murderer. Duh, duh, duh! Yep, apparently the elder Bass was responsible for a fire in the past, and a man was killed.

Having been covered up for the past twenty years, the secret is out and Bart tries to buy the moralistic Dan off- like that's going to work, and Chuck knows it, his only option is to appeal to Dan's conscience.

In my second moment of love towards the Bass, his pleading moment to Dan in the elevator was really touching, but not nearly as amazing as Chuck's apparent range of golf jumpers. Tonight was another diamond classic, paired with beige trousers and red shirt. Love it.

While her other half was off playing detective (ok, they're not officially together, but I can dream!) Blair was trying her best to give Cyrus a chance and be charming like Grace Kelly once more.

Blair and Serena looking fab at B's party

Again she has the fashion part sussed in a stunning Marc Jacobs pink dogtooth checked dress, but the scheming part? not so much, as she took Cyrus out to dinner and exposed his secret to her mother.

Apparently Cyrus cheated on his past wife, and B wastes no time on filling her mother in. Oh, Cyrus, just when I was officially falling in love with you...

The poor little man was dismissed by Eleanor when he arrived at Blair's party, and looked so hurt- was the ice queen was starting to regret her scheming actions?

Cue Cindi Lauper turning up and completing the guilt trip, by informing Blair her 'pal' Cyrus had bought out her gig to come and play at B's party.

Oh dear... as Blair put it, 'I wanted a Harry Winston choker for my birthday and instead I got a conscience' Why does this girl get all the best lines?!

Before heading off to apologise to Cyrus, Blair was on hand to comfort Serena, as the poor girl had realised Aaron was a bit of a player, and liked to date lots of girls at once. There's a word for that Aaron, and that's ho, as in you are one.

Despite all the drama, I loved Blair and Serena's party outfits in this episode, as they both managed to combine looking sexy with elegant at the same time, and for Serena that is an achievement.

S rocked out in a white silk Armani dress, while B opted for a Bill Blass Flamenco Backless Blouse and tight black skirt. The fussy ruffles wouldn't have worked on any other character but Blair, and it's officially on my wish list if anyone wants to treat me?!

While I was lusting after the party looks, Blair was busy trying to make amends with Cyrus, only to realise he played her and was counting on her conscience coming back to bite her.

B is impressed and the pair hug, even though she's horrified at the thought of him being a 'hugger'. I'm loving this friendship between the two, please extend it writers!

Back to Serena, and after a pep talk from Cyrus, who funnily enough turned out to be Aaron's dad, because you know everyone on this show has some sort of connection, S went off to make peace with her artist, only to find him entertaining someone else.

Geez Serena, get the hint and save some of your dignity. Someone who had bucket loads of this as it turned out, was Dan who finally changed his plaid shirt to a checked one, and realised he wasn't one for deception after all, and handed Bart the story about Charlie Trout, aka Chuck.

So, then we were treated to Bart apologising to his son and there were even hopes of a reconciliation at the end, too bad it's not to last though, as lets just say tragedy is looming around the corner.

Before I get all morbid, did anyone else think Chuck's mum was absolutely gorgeous? I can see where he gets his brooding good looks from, and his obvious flair for fashion, as tonight concluded with a classic grey jumper and pink skirt combo.

The episode ended with Aaron pleading to Serena for another chance and S responding by grabbing his hand and taking him for a walk in the park, in her tiny silk nighty, while Blair faced the prospect of Cyrus moving into the Waldorf residence. Uh-oh, war has indeed begun...

So, what does next week's episode have in store? Well, it's all about Nate next week (remember him?!) and his reconciliation with his family and friends, while Jenny goes completely off the rails and Blair runs away.

Check in for another fashion rundown next week with, The Magnificent Archibalds. 

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry

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