Gossip Girl's Blair and Chuck share a fashion moment

Gossip Girl's Blair and Chuck share a fashion moment

Gossip Girl returned to our screens with a bang last night, giving us some amazing new fashion trends, lots of high drama and of course, some beautiful topless boys to drool over.

The season opened with our lovely Serena mourning the loss of her beloved Dan, who for some reason had turned into a total playboy over the summer, and was now dating many girls at a time. Go figure...

Anyway back to the fashion and Serena managed to make a simple beach outfit a hugely glamorous affair, teaming a gold swimsuit, kaftan and masses of jewellery together, to simply lie on the beach.

Joining her in the over-the-top fashion stakes was our favourite bad boy, Chuck who worked a straw boater hat, green stripy T-shirt and Bermuda shorts, while lounging around with three topless women on the beach. Nice!

He actually had the most interesting wardrobe for this episode, as the producers clearly love to make Chuck a gay icon and seriously play up to his flair for crazy fashion.

Only he could get away with a diamond golf jumper, a yellow shirt, bow tie and, wait for it- knee length diamond printed socks to play croquet! Poor Nate got severely neglected with a simple blue hooded top and shorts in comparison.

Blair returned to our screens flaunting a new boyfriend, who actually turned out to be a British Lord; only in Gossip Girl would such fairytales come true. Sigh.

Anyway, she actually found this all out a little too late, as he was only a decoy to make "That Chuck Basstard" jealous, and as such poor James/Marcus made a very uninteresting fashion debut.

Queen B, on the other hand rocked a summer floral dress, coloured shorts and a retro swimsuit to great effect in the opening episode, and is already on course to take the style crown for a second year running.

Amidst all the childish games between Blair/Chuck there was actually some really nice fashion moments between the pair, as they seem to match their outfits together without realising.

In the first of two heartbreaking moments they have a heart to heart, where Chuck actually realises he may of lost her, while wearing a mint green tuxedo. Blair, who always seems to favour florals in times of woe wore a gorgeous white and green dress, complete with Tiffany's necklace and a really cute flower headband.

While all this drama is going on between the couple we love to hate, Poor Dan, aka Lonely Boy has realised he misses Serena and hops on the Jitney to the Hamptons, where he is to attend the prestigious White Party, where wouldn't you know it- everybody has to wear white.

As with all big events, Gossip Girl goes all out to impress in the fashion stakes and this is certainly true with Serena's stunning Grecian goddess gown.

Hair all piled up like a true Greek, she jazzed it up with a bit of bling intertwined in her up-do, while Dan looked a little lame in his beige suit next to her. Still true love seems to overcome all fashion barriers and the two decide to give it another go, while watching the fireworks on the beach. Altogether now, ahhh...

Moving back to the action at the party and we see Chuck looking like, as per, a Ralph Lauren model, brooding with a whiskey and shooting looks at Blair, who is in a gorgeous Marc Jacobs cutaway dress and white flower headband.

Following a bit of a fight between the two, Chuck is unable to say those three little words that Blair is so eager to hear (clue, it's 'I Love You') and she heads off with her new Lord, shaking her perfectly quaffed hair as she goes.

Nate, meanwhile has been having an affair with a married woman and has only come to this party to suss out the competition. In true Nate style he wears a very boring white T-shirt and teams it with a cricket jumper.

Eww on so many levels, yet he still manages to score with Katherine in a posh bathroom. Where with this storyline take us? Well, it gets a lot more interesting next week and draws Blair into the mix. Duh, duh, duh...

Lastly to make an appearance at the wonderful White Party is Jenny, who shows up in a cute white lace dress, complete with pink ribbon and nicely made up hair. It's important to remember at this point that she still looks 15 here, remember that in future episodes, where she won't be so cute and innocent.

So, where does that leave us for next week? Well, Chuck and Blair are over for now, Dan and Serena are back together for now and well, Nate will probably still be having some fun with the Cougar next week too. Check in for another fashion rundown next week with, Never Been Marcused.

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