Now, this may just be me thinking this, but does all this seem out of character for Blair? Since when was she this desperate? Luckily Chuck saw through her plan and once again left Blair to stew.

While she was stressing about Chuck and saying the big ILU, Serena was finding herself with a new admirer at Dan's gallery.

Rocking a pair of skinny jeans and slouchy T-shirt, no-one does dressed down chic better than S and that apparently caught the attention of a new hottie.

Yes, this was the episode where we were introduced to Aaron Rose; a tortured artist with terrible hair, awkward glasses and stupid dress sense; so of course Serena fell head over heels for him.

While she was making goo-goo eyes at Aaron, Blair was once again finding herself turning to the love expert that is Dan Humphrey for some more advice.

Wearing a gorgeous green shirt, purple skirt and sky high Louboutins, this was Blair at her most vulnerable, as she admitted her feelings to a stunned Dan.

After some sappy advice about him and Serena, he encouraged Blair to go for it. Aww, so he does have his uses after all, if only we could get rid of the yellow checked shirt and corduroys, I'd die a happy woman.

As Blair sent a text to Chuck, claiming he was ready to admit how she felt, we cut to him looked actually genuinely made up, and wearing something normal too! A purple jumper, smart trousers and a shirt- good lord, could Chuck be mellowing!?

Serena and Blair have a heart to heart

Back to Jenny, who for some crazy reason was in a bar, being served alcohol when she only looks about 15. Oh wait, she is. That said, I have to admit her new punk fashion look really suit her.

The oversized T-shirt, wet look leggings, crotched cardigan and bowler hat look she sported, as she partied the night away were gorgeous, now if only we could get her to tone down the attitude, we'd officially be in love with the new Jenny.

So as the action moved to night time, we were transported to Brooklyn and the opening night of Aaron's collection at the gallery. Serena got her legs out once again in a tiny dress, which showed a scary amount of cleavage and completed the look with a leather jacket.

Blair meanwhile went all ladylike on us again in a peach dress, with lace sleeves and chest, which may well be an early contender for dress of the season- we absolutely loved it.

Jenny on the other hand continued her transformation to the dark side with a scary amount of eyeliner, as she told Eleanor where to stick her job and decided to start her own fashion line.

We did like her beanie hat and checked shirt combo though, in addition to the many chunky necklaces she was sporting. All in all, we do approve of her new look, but my god, does it age her! It's hard to believe Taylor Momsen is only 15 in real life too.

Back to the action, and just as Blair was about to tell Chuck her true feelings, that annoying Dan stepped in and placed a seed of doubt in her mind, as revenge for her and Chuck's actions against Vanessa last week.

Damn you Dan! Don't you know these two are made for each other?! Anyway, his meddling resulted in a showdown between my favourite couple, where they hurled accusations at each other and left Blair fleeing the scene in floods of tears.

Serena was furious with Dan's meddling and decided to confess her feelings about Aaron, which left the smug Humphrey more than a little stunned. Could he be jealous perhaps? Yes, me thinks so.

Out of some feelings of guilt, Dan set things straight with Chuck, who then went to find Blair in his fabulously OTT grey tuxedo and purple bow tie. Hurrah, the pair finally admitted their relationship was something special, but were unable to say those three words just yet.

We were left with an altogether soppier Chuck and Blair, but surprisingly I preferred it to all the embarrassing seduction games between the two. I have much hope for them in the future; after all they're the most fashionable on the show- they belong together!

So, where was Nate while all this action was going on? Well, he was chasing after Jenny of course, which left me seriously baffled. If it wasn't out of brotherly concern, could it be he has some feelings for the young Humphrey?

Well, yes as it turned out, because after he caught Jenny dancing in her underwear with Agnes, and letting herself be filmed by a creepy photographer, Nate admitted his true feelings.

Did anyone else see this coming!? Since when did Nate love Jenny? I swear the world of GG has been turned on its head, so I can only pray it doesn't continue in next week's episode, but I have a hunch that this love affair may well step up a gear instead. Uh-Oh!

His only saving grace this week was his striped shirt, which did look like something from the AquaFresh adverts, but we have to admit he looked marginally better and he was wearing jeans- hurrah!

So what can we expect next week? Well, if you thought Jenny was a bad ass in this episode, you aint seen nothing yet, as she steps up her campaign to be a designer.

Blair agrees to baby sit to get into Yale, only to find herself running around New York to try and stop the girl in question losing her virginity and Serena plays some mind games with Aaron. Check in next week for another fashion rundown with, There Might Be Blood.

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry

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