Brocato peppermint scrub

Brocato peppermint scrub

With thousands upon thousands of different beauty products out there it's hard to know which ones are worth our money.

Rather than expecting you to try them all out, we've launched a new weekly feature in which we will review beauty products and let you make the descision of which will best suit you.

For the first week we are reviewing cleansing shampoos.

We all know that our hair is not free from the products we lather it with, hairspray, mousse, heat protection and a whole host of other things; but our regular shampoo can't always rid us of these, so we need a shampoo a little stronger that will leave our hair feeling squeaky clean.

Brocato Perppermint Scrub Purifying Shampoo (£9.95)
This is a fresh and invigorating shampoo that generates improved circulation and shine for hair and scalp health. Not only does it leave your hair feeling super clean, the aromatic sensation clears the mind and awakedn the hair follicle to provide an exhilarating multi-sensory experience. Use this product once a week. 4/5

Paul Mitchell Shampoo Two and Shampoo Three (from £8.95)
Shampoo Two is designed to remove residual oil and product from the cuticle layer and Shampoo Three is designed to remove product build up and is excellent for swimmers; it helps to prevent 'chlorine green'. It's the perfect gym buddy. The zesty lemon fragrance gives your hair an extra sense of deep clean and leaves it feeling refreshed. I defy you to not have squeaky clean hair after using these products. 4/5

Unite Weekender Shampoo (£12.75)
Eva Longoria, Lady Gaga, Victoria Beckham and Demi Moore are fans of this range, and if their hair is anything to go by, it must be working. Use this once a week - preferably on the weekend after you've subjected your hair to smoke and pollution. Apply and rinse to leave your hair feeling super clean and free from everything - except yout beloved colour. Or you can apply and leace on for five minutes to provide hair with a protein boost, your hair instantly feels stronger. 5/5

Sranrom Calm Down Shampoo (from £6)
This sharp scented herbal blend is made from essential oils of lemongrass and kaffir lime. Not only does this leave your hair feeling as though it's come straight from a detox spa, but it also leaves you feeling better too. Thais have long used both of the citrus herbs found in the shampoo to clear headaches, soothe nerves and ease stress; perfect after a long day. 3/5

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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