Stressed out brits are turning to the internet

Stressed out brits are turning to the internet

A new survey has revealed that we are turning to our PCs and the internet, when our lives are at their most stressful.

One in four people polled in the survey have said that they don’t live a balanced lifestyle, with enough time for managing home, work, family, friends and relationships.

The interesting study, published by Yahoo! goes on to suggest that us Brits are at breaking point with our stress levels, and are turning to our PCs to get some normality back into our lives.

A staggering 77% of those surveyed agreed that not leading a balanced lifestyle leads to them feeling stressed, and almost one in two (49%) admitting to feeling short tempered as a result.

But what measures are we taking to reclaim a sense of control, order and most importantly- empowerment? 

Almost two thirds (62%) hail the internet as their saving grace for improving their ability to balance the multiple demands on their precious time, and for allowing them to feel more ‘in control’ in comparison to doing tasks offline.

Bob Slinn, director of media products, Yahoo! Europe comments, "It is plain to see that the Internet has played a key role in the way that we organise our lives, but with pressure points currently at an all time high- there are still some untapped opportunities for people to reach a higher level of empowerment and control through the use of online tools.

52% agree that by using the internet they have more time to do the things that they enjoy, for example taking part in hobbies and personal interests, and keeping up with current affairs.

Surprisingly however, it seems that with new found avenues to keep in touch with family and friends online, we are a little less keen to use any newly gained time to spend with family (25%) or partners (24%).

And the possible reason for this? It appears as if our social needs are now being well and truly served by social networking sites. 

With 43% of us using social networks once a week or more, and over a quarter of us feeling as if they are missing out if they do not log into their social network of choice at least once a day, it's clear how much we rely on the internet.

But traditional webmail services continue to rein supreme, with a significant one in three of us using mail services, such as Yahoo! Mail as our preferred means of personal communication.

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