Whilst some feel relieved treatment is over, others are feeling pressure
30% of people who've been treated for cancer say that they feel pressure to 'bounce back to norma' more quickly than they'd have liked after they've finished their treatment, finds new research.
While half of those surveyed felt relieved after treatment, nearly as many were left fearful that the cancer would return and over a quarter said they felt very vulnerable both mentally and physically.
Around 1 in 3 felt they were put under pressure to ‘bounce back’ to normal more quickly than they would have liked after treatment, with a third left confused about whether the symptoms and feelings they had were ‘normal’ or not. More people admitted they felt emotionally drained than felt delighted once their treatment had finished.
Professor Justin Stebbing, Professor of Cancer Medicine and Oncology at Imperial College London said: “This research shows that many cancer patients struggle with life after treatment. We know that they often have to deal with lower self-esteem as a result of surgery and the after-effects of chemotherapy, along with other hurdles such as getting back to work or returning to an active social life.
“Contrary to many people’s expectations, the challenge of cancer does not automatically end when treatment finishes and people can be taken by surprise by some of the feelings and side effects they experience. It’s important for people to realise that those who have gone through cancer treatment still require significant support, time and understanding from healthcare professionals, family, friends and work colleagues as they continue with their lives.”
This research from Bupa comes as they launch their ebook dedicated to those living with and beyond cancer, and their family and friends. ‘Living With and Beyond Cancer’ is a free guide which offers support, information and guidance through an inspiring collection of personal stories from cancer patients and experts from Bupa’s specialist Oncology Support Team.
There are currently 1.8 million people who have survived cancer living in the UK and that number is set to double in the next 17 years.
Gemma Levine, breast cancer survivor and contributor to ‘Living With and Beyond Cancer’ said: “This new book is a positive and welcome support for people following cancer treatment. I had many questions and concerns once I had finished chemotherapy and this guide would have been really valuable to me. I think it will reassure people in a similar situation that they are not alone and help them to re-negotiate what will become the ‘new normal’ for them.”
The research also revealed that of the cancer patients who had wanted more support following their treatment, two-fifths said that more information about what to expect after treatment would have helped them.
The Bupa ‘Living With and Beyond Cancer’ book is available to download from bupa.co.uk/beyondcancer as a PDF or an ebook for iPad, Kindle and Android tablets.