HeartAge has found that four million British women are placing their health at risk because they are too bashful to go to the doctor for a health check.

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Do you attend yours?

The main worry for women is that they would have to take off their clothes which makes them anxious and embarrassed, compared to only 7% of men.

34% of women would rather opt for a health check at the pharmacy instead of the doctor's surgery if there is a private room on offer.

As well as their worries over their bodies, women are also worried about the results, whereas men are a little less preoccupied with this. 1 in 8 women convince themselves that their health is fine so they don't have to go or a health check.

These emotional reactions to health checks could be preventing women from detecting certain diseases which would give them the opportunity to do something about them before they progress. 56% of women know that if they were to attend a health check that they will be offered advice on how to stay healthy and lower their risk of diseases such as hearth disease, diabetes and strokes.

Holly Whelan, Co-founder of HeartAge says: "This research is really interesting and confirmed what we suspected, that emotional factors prevent some women from having a health check." She continued: " HeartAge data shows that over half of women over 40 are overweight, and this could be one of the reasons why some women are embarrassed to remove their clothes. The reality is, you shouldn't have to remove any clothes and it is really important to tackle these fears, as heart disease is the biggest killer of women globally - knowing your numbers is an important step when starting to make lifestyle changes for better health."

Despite the difference between men and women's attitudes towards health checks, more men say that they don't have time to have a health check, whereas only 5% of women said that they would be put off by taking time out from work to go to the doctor.

The HeartAge test asks you a few simple questions about your body, health and family history and then, taking into account your blood pressure and cholesterol, provides you with one number - your individual heart age. As part of a joint initiative to encourage people to know their numbers, the HeartAge website is featuring an exclusive money off voucher on Cholesterol & Heart Checks at a LloydsPharmacy. Go to www.UKheartage.com .

Alison Freemantle, pharmacist at LloydsPharmacy explains: "There is often a misconception that pharmacy is just for dispensing medication, however our teams can provide advice and health checks to support you in a private and comfortable environment." She continued: "Knowing your cholesterol levels and blood pressure is crucial as it can identify whether you are at risk of developing heart disease or stroke. When these numbers are presented in the form of a HeartAge, it can really help people better understand what these numbers mean."

Holly Whelan says: "We recognize that people may be nervous and apprehensive about a health check, but a quick visit to the HeartAge website www.UKheartage.com can provide a general picture of your heart health, helping you to feel more prepared and informed so that your next check-up isn't so daunting."

Visit www.UKheartage.com to take the HeartAge test and receive a discount on a Cholesterol & Heart Check at a LloydsPharmacy.

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