
5 October 2017

Lucy May Exclusive Guest Post – ‘I’m Wearing The Badge For Dad’

Oh how poignant my new album is to my life right now! Entitled ‘Little By Little, I found myself penning my new album whilst also embarking on the harrowing journey ...

29 September 2017

3 Things You Need To Know About Sepsis

29 year old mum of two Jenny Taft hadn’t heard of sepsis until a few years ago. Then her son nearly died from the condition, which drove her to find ...

26 September 2017

10 Things I Enjoy Doing Now I’ve Lost Weight

Written by Terri-Ann Nunns, Founder of the TerriAnn 123 Diet Plan Shopping – What woman doesn’t love shopping? Me, before I started my diet plan over six years ...
22 September 2017

10 Essential Oils Everyone Needs In Their Life And Why…

Tisserand Aromatherapy has been sourcing and blending 100% natural pure essential oils since 1974. Founded by aromatherapy pioneer, Robert Tisserand, our knowledge and expertise of essential oils and blending ensure ...

20 September 2017

Extended Use Of Digital Devices Means Eye Strain Is More Prevalent Than Ever

44% of UK adults over 35 despite experiencing eye strain at least once a week, but over half do nothing to alleviate the effects. Research released during National Eye Health ...
14 September 2017

10 Fascinating Facts About Myofascial Release (MFR)

Myo, meaning muscle, and fascia, the main connective tissue, account for almost all soft tissue in the body. That soft tissue can become damaged, creating restrictions which limit movement and ...
12 September 2017

Weight Loss Through The Decades

Worrying about weight gain is nothing new – women have been doing it for decades, now new research has focused on the diet trends of the last century. The team ...
8 September 2017

10 Ways to beat the winter weight gain

Weight Watchers has identified 18th September as the date when the seasonal lifestyle shift happens in the UK and British winter weight gain begins. An Autumn Outlook Algorithm has been determined ...
7 September 2017

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Kate Middleton has reportedly suffered from Hyperemesis gravidarum throughout all three of her pregnancies, but what is it, and can it be cured? Here are ten things you didn’t know ...
5 September 2017

7 Natural Ways To Alleviate Period Cramps

If you’re going through hell once a month, or just feeling uncomfortable on your period, you’ll be pleased to hear there are lots of natural ways to deal with period ...

1 September 2017

Jennifer Metcalfe’s Top Tips For Staying In Shape

You’ll be pleased to know that it only takes a few simple steps to get your health and fitness back on track after a summer of indulging in BBQs, picnics ...
30 August 2017

How To Create A Positive Connection Between The Mind And The Gut

Emma Mills mediation and mindfulness expert says, “Some people may not realise that our mind and gut are linked. So with our busy, on-the-go lives, emotions we experience throughout the ...

29 August 2017

3 Top Tips For Better Teeth

How do we navigate the best toothbrush for us and keep it in peak condition? Uber Sonic’s Head Engineer Oliver Breit - creator of Uber Sonic’s award winning aluminum toothbrush ...
17 August 2017

10 Benefits Of Playing Rugby For Women

There are a multitude of benefits from team sports; confidence, friendship, leadership, respect – the list goes on. What makes rugby unique is that there is room for everyone. Leanne ...

16 August 2017

Top Myths Around Being ‘Healthy’

We get it. Being healthy isn’t always a piece of cake (literally); especially when we are faced with conflicting messages around what ‘healthy’ really means when it comes to our ...

16 August 2017

10 Things I Learned When I Cut Out Chocolate

We all know that too much sugar is bad for us, but sometimes we can’t help but over-indulge. And for most of us, that comes in the form of chocolate. ...
7 August 2017

Top Tips For The Perfect Summer Smile

With holiday season in full swing, many people will be heading off to warmer climates to soak up the sun and switch off from the outside world. Whilst indulging in ...
26 July 2017

Exploring The Causes Of Chronic Back Pain With The Muscle Whisperer

Family trauma, childhood abuse, workplace stress and failed relationships leaving people feeling demoralised, disheartened and undervalued are among some of the root causes which manifest itself into chronic back pain, according to Muscle Whisperer ...
7 July 2017

7 Unhelpful Beliefs Sabotaging Your Sleep

A sleep doctor has warned that common myths and longheld beliefs about sleep could be at the root of the nation’s woeful slumbering. After decades of studying sleep complaints, Silentnight’s ...
6 July 2017

10 Years On: 10 Benefits Of The Smoking Ban

It’s hard to believe that only a decade ago you wouldn’t be able to go to the pub for a drink without smelling like an ashtray when you left. July ...
6 July 2017

10 Ways to feel confident on holiday when you’re on your period

Light exercise can really help alleviate period pains due to the increase in blood circulation. Whether it be going for a light jog on the beach in the morning before ...

4 July 2017

Seven things you should know about emergency contraception

Superdrug now offers women more choice and accessibility to emergency contraception by being the first high street retailer to launch a generic emergency hormonal contraceptive pill (EHC), which is now ...
4 July 2017

Rachel McAdams Is Doing It, But Just What Is Ultimate?

Find out more about this fast moving sport that’s growing in the UK Sweeping across the country is a unique sport, Ultimate. A testament to its popularity, Ultimate is played ...
3 July 2017

The Five Secrets Of Lifelong Health

The media today can make you think that living a long, healthy (and happy!) life is quite complicated.  There are diet wars, exercise wars, and competing tips on how to ...