Oh how poignant my new album is to my life right now! Entitled ‘Little By Little, I found myself penning my new album whilst also embarking on the harrowing journey of prostate cancer treatment with my dad. Diagnosed last September, we embarked on an enormous step into the unknown with dad, whilst I simultaneously penned tracks to my new collection of songs. In retrospect, dealing with cancer is something that you need to take one step at a time, so I named the album as a tip of the hat to dad – taking things little by little.

Lucy May is back with new record 'Little By Little'
Our rock and the back-bone of the family, my dad has taught me how to fight life’s hardest battles – with hope and positivity. Whilst everyone around him fussed and worried, dad got on with what he needed to do, never allowing the cancer to get in his way. As I watched everyone ‘condense’ on themselves and talk about how dad’s illness was going to affect them, rather than looking at how it was impacting dad, I realised that I needed to put things straight. ‘Ain’t About You’ sees me being the protective daughter, shouting to the world to stop focusing on themselves and to start thinking of others. I wanted to tell everyone to stop looking inwards (for once) and to focus on the troubles that mattered, so that we could give everything to dad.
A year on and dad is ‘clear’. But I felt it’s time for us girls to start helping the men in our lives, so I’m using my music to support the Prostate Cancer UK charity. The team at the charity explained that prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, with 11,000 men dying from the disease in UK each year. That's one man every forty-five minutes. We’ve gotta help change that.
It seems to me that ‘talking’ is one thing that us girls do so much better than men. If boys talked about their symptoms sooner, diagnosis and cure would be a lot easier. That’s why I want to encourage everyone to ‘wear the badge’, because once men spot someone wearing the charity badge, they’re much more likely to open-up and to share their problems. It’s a small step that will make a big difference and will save lives, so little by little we can help to beat this disease.

Throughout November I’ll be touring the UK, with my last date ending in London for the launch of the new album. I’ll be dedicating my ‘Little By Little’ album launch party at The Islington to the cause, everyone who comes will be asked to ‘wear the badge’ on the night so that we can start making a song and dance about this disease. Come along and join us at 7pm at The Islington, London on 10 October.
Little By Little we’ll use music to fight this disease. Dad – this one’s all about you!
The new album ‘Little By Little’ is released on 3 November.
For more info visit: http://www.lucymayofficial.com
Visit www.prostatecanceruk.org