There are more than 200 different viruses that cause colds and this is one of the reasons we get so many. Top of the list are rhinoviruses, but coronaviruses, adenoviruses ...
Flu is a viral infection that's most common during the winter months. It has a sudden onset of symptoms, which include fever, sore throat and muscle aches.Influenza, more commonly known ...
For the first time, the use of colour in technical breast examinations has been used to help relax patients during awkward and sometimes embarrassing procedures. A ‘MoodLight’ has ...
Research from the Department of Health revealed that half of all Brits still succumb to ‘old wives tales’. Some are based on truth, whereas others really are just ‘tales’ which ...
The number of women in the UK experiencing osteoporosis related hip fractures is amongst the highest in Europe and all because we simply don't recognise the risksOsteoporosis affects as many ...
Freezing temperatures and damp weather can be tough on those people
suffering from poor circulatory health – and that’s just in the summer time.
Come winter and our circulation can really suffer ...
Many people enjoy the odd glass of wine now and again, but as the festive
season approaches we inevitably consume more alcohol. As a result we put
extra strain on our ...
Video : Pelvic Floor Muscles –their importance and useful exercises.Bladder weakness is one of the most common consequences of weak pelvic floor muscles and a staggering 1 in 4 women ...
Our culture has come a long way from viewing menopause with dread and associating it with a perceived decrease in a woman's value. Understanding the natural progression of age in ...
Forget YouTube, stick with toothpaste tube, says Cosmetic Dentistry GuideBritain’s teeth have become the latest victims of the credit crunch, with more people resorting to discount treatments, DIY disasters and ...
Ditch the Atkins, scrap the South Beach and abandon Weight Watchers - today sees the nation’s first ever TV Diet unveiled by Virgin Media. The research reveals different TV ...
76% of people lay claim to a healthy diet, but further investigation reveals that despite honourable intentions, Britons literally don’t know what’s good for them and are in a daze ...
World Sight Day aims to help people protect their eyes against Glaucoma - 'the silent condition'.Today is World Sight Day. One of its aims is to educate people about how ...
IBS Symptoms Checklist launched to help sufferers get diagnosed and start managing their condition.Nearly a quarter (23%) of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) sufferers have not been medically diagnosed with the ...
Boost your diet the easy and healthy way with nutritionist Jane Clarke76% of people lay claim to a healthy diet, but further investigation reveals that despite honourable intentions, Britons literally ...
If the mention of students makes you think of the Young Ones then think again – for today’s undergraduates, socialising has taken a back-seat to education, as their future employment ...
Despite affecting as many as 1 in 800 of us, very little is known about Multiple Sclerosis, and diagnosis is still notoriously tricky. Each year a further 2,500 are diagnosed ...
When British women were asked what they do to look after their mental health, their top response was “get stuck into a good book”. In fact they were roughly three ...
Migraines are among the oldest diseases known to man with conditions dating back to 3000bc, and the word "Migraine" originates from Greek roots meaning "half head".This is because, usually this ...
An international study led by University of Leicester researchers has determined that vaccination will be the best way to protect people in the event of the next influenza pandemic – ...
Scientists discovered a new protein in humans in the late 1990s, which is now being developed to control bacteria which cause tuberculosis. Clinical trials are to begin in 2009 but ...
Painkillers have been linked to a
Regular use of common painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen reduces the risk of breast cancer, according to an international study. The research, ...
During his two years as one of Hollyoaks’ most popular stars, James Sutton’s character John Paul McQueen was the central figure in some hard-hitting storylines. As well as starring in ...
Cancer Research UK has released a new viral video aimed at educating women on how to be breast aware. The comedic video features a woman explaining how best to ...