Are you eating enough fibre?

Are you eating enough fibre?

76% of people lay claim to a healthy diet, but further investigation reveals that despite honourable intentions, Britons literally don’t know what’s good for them and are in a daze over healthy eating guidelines.

A new health study of 2,157 Britons, marking the launch of Warburtons campaign to encourage the nation to eat more fibre, reveals that while people are aware that fibre - typically found in bread, pasta, rice, fruit, vegetables, beans and nuts - is essential for keeping their digestive healthy, more than three-quarters (76%) of men and women do not know that the guideline daily amount (GDA) of fibre is 24g, despite half of respondents believing that they eat enough fibre.

So, where does fibre come from, why is it important, and what exactly does it do for us? Lucky for us, one of Britain’s leading nutritionist, Jane Clarke, is hosting a whistle-stop web guide to fibre facts and figures.

Not only will Jane bring you up to speed on such essential dietary issues as how much fibre you should be eating, she’ll also be lifting the lid on why a correct fibre intake does more than just keep your digestive system healthy.