
15 June 2012

Men and women approach weight loss differently

It’s long been suspected that the battle of the bulge is handled differently by the different sexes. Research in the US has shown that men and women struggle with different problems ...
15 June 2012

Benefits of alkaline eating

Maintaining an acid-akaline balance it vital to our health, not only does it give us a stronger immune system and a greater sense of wellbeing but it can also result ...
15 June 2012

Increase your chances of getting pregnant

In light of recent news regarding free IVF treatment on the NHS for women over 40, leading nutritionist and fertility expert, Dr Marilyn Glenville highlights the crucial nutritional and lifestyle ...
14 June 2012

Simple medicinal remedies you can find at home

There is an increasing interest in natural remedies, so what better time to check out a few basics than Herbal Medicine Week which runs from 16 – 24 June 2012. Medical ...
14 June 2012

Early risers are more happy

People who get up earlier in the morning are the happiest, according to a new study. Whilst night owls may be more prone to social jet lag. The study also suggested older ...
14 June 2012

Lifestyle choices have little effect on sperm count

Drinking, smoking, being overweight and taking drugs have little effect of a man's quality of sperm, according to new research. But tight Y-fronts should be avoided. Aspiring fathers have previously been warned ...
13 June 2012

Fish oil does not help to prevent dementia

Fish oil supplements offer no protection against memory loss or dementia in the short term according to scientists. They found older people taking omega-3 fish oil capsuled performed no better in ...
13 June 2012

Atkins hit back after Sweden study suggests that the diet may be bad for the heart

Yesterday, we revealed the news of the new study which suggested that a low-carb diet, like the popular Atkins, may be bad for the heart. Doctors found that a diet of ...
13 June 2012

7% decline in blood stocks after the bank holiday

National blood stocks have fallen by 7 per cent over the jubilee weekend according to latest figures from NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) which has this week launched its annual ...
12 June 2012

Summer fitness plan

It’s starting to feel like summer, the jumpers are making their way to the back of the wardrobe and our more revealing outfits are coming out, which means we want ...
12 June 2012

Boring lunches are turning off our taste buds

Busy, stressed workers are being encouraged to reawaken their taste buds by a leading psychologist after 60 per cent of people admitted to ‘never’ or ‘rarely’ tasting what they ate. The ...
12 June 2012

Atkins diet found to be bad for the heart

A low-carb diet, like the popular Atkins, may be bad for the heart, according to a new study. Doctors have found that a diet of this variety was linked with increased ...
12 June 2012

Holly Valance's body secrets

Holly Valance has recently lost weight in the anticipation of her wedding. She reveals how she got her body back in shape and her top tips for staying trim.  The new ...
11 June 2012

Campaign launched to get us moving more during this sports-filled summer

Sally Gunnell and health secretary Andrew Lansley are supporting a campaign to get us more active this summer, as sport takes over our TV.  The campaign, Games4Life will build on the ...
11 June 2012

Tomatoes are secret anti-ageing weapon

Forget fancy lotions, potions and treatments. The humble tomato is nature’s secret anti-ageing weapon, according to new research. Results show tomatoes could help to protect against sunburn and skin ageing caused ...
11 June 2012

A little something to help with the weight loss

I'm sure we all wouldn't mind a quick fix to get us bikini ready, but we know that they're either not going to work full stop, or they're not going ...
11 June 2012

Superfood tips

There isn’t really a clear description or legal definition of the term superfood, but generally speaking it’s any food that appears to offer additional health benefits beyond simple nutrition. Here are ...
10 June 2012

Countdown to the summer bikini body

Are summer holidays are creeping upon us, and that usually means stress to get our bodies out.  Follow these Simple stress free tips from the Simple Advisory Board Experts and you’ll ...
9 June 2012

Jada Pinkett Smith's diet secret

Jada Pinkett Smith has been one busy lady lately, she was in Cannes and everywhere else promoting her new movie, Madagascar 3, and then playing the doting wife and supporting ...
9 June 2012

Top tips for mouth health

With summer on its way, plenty of smiles are being seen out and about as people enjoy the warmer, brighter weather. How appropriate then, that National Smile Month is currently taking place! ...
8 June 2012

What do your doodles say about you?

We all doodle from time to time, whether we are bored in a meeting or giving our hands something to do while watching the TV. But what you are doodling ...

8 June 2012

How to be one of those happy, go lucky people...

Be positive and the sun will shine... well sort of. Of course wishing the weather to be good doesn’t mean we can expect blue skies but positive thinking can mean ...

8 June 2012

Catching some rays can prove to lighten your mood.

Vitamin D helps to keep our bones and teeth healthy. Having too little vitamin D can damage the way the body absorbs calcium. Having a vitamin D deficiency can lead ...

8 June 2012

7 Day Detox Diet Plan

Our bodies are assaulted by toxins every day. These are poisonous substances that are produced by living cells or organisms and are capable of causing disease when introduced into the ...