If you dreamed about taking a nap, perhaps you need a short period of respite to recharge your batteries in your waking hours. 

Credit: Ljm/Zuma Press/PA Images

Credit: Ljm/Zuma Press/PA Images

You may be burning the candle at both ends and need to take some time out for yourself. This may not require you to take a week or a fortnight off, but moments throughout the day to recalibrate rather than continuing until you have nothing left could be the answer here. 

If you find yourself napping regularly throughout the week and are feeling tired most days, the dream could be telling you to seek professional help. This may not be normal and could be a sign that something needs addressing with your health. 

Some people consider napping to be a mark of laziness- so if you are one of these people, perhaps you are not giving your all in some area of your life at present. 

Consider where you were or who was with you for additional meaning. If you were with a partner, it’s possible your relationship needs more attention. If you were with your children, maybe you should be putting in more effort with your family, or if you were at work, perhaps you need to up your game in your professional life. 

If you napped and didn’t feel refreshed afterwards, it’s likely that whatever downtime you are giving yourself lately isn’t working for you. Perhaps you need to carve out a bit more of the day for yourself to address your own needs. 

RELATED: Female First A-Z Dictionary of Dreams 

To nap with someone else in a dreamscape implies that you are both burned out and need to support each other to improve this situation. Teamwork is key here- for instance if you have a new baby, you both need to do your fair share but also give one another the opportunity to relax. 

To dream about a child napping suggests you miss when your baby/toddler used to nap. If you used this time to get jobs done around the house or nap yourself, you may be yearning for that opportunity again. Perhaps the dream is telling you to embrace this new phase of their childhood and use the time they would have napped to do something meaningful. 

On the other hand, if your child still naps, the dream could be linked to the positive feelings you associate with this time. Enjoy these little breaks in responsibility while you can as it won’t last forever. 

Finally, if you are someone who naps in your waking hours- consider if this is actually benefiting you or not. If napping during the day or when you come in from work is disturbing your sleep at bedtime, perhaps you need to try and phase this out so you can sleep more soundly during the night.

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about being wrong?

Perhaps you lack some confidence in something that is happening in your life right now. You fear that it could go wrong at any moment or that it already has. You may have found yourself in the middle of a situation lately where you felt inexperienced or silly. Perhaps you struggle to ask for help when you need it and the dream is telling you to seek out the assistance you need so that you don’t do something wrong for the sake of pride. It’s possible that something you thought would be easy is in fact a lot harder than you anticipated. Perhaps you have had a few setbacks while you figure out what is the most appropriate way to do something. You now know that practice makes perfect in this instance and mistakes are a part of the process. 

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