If you dreamed about doing something wrong it suggests that you are unable to find a solution to a problem in your waking hours. 

Credit: USA TODAY Network/SIPA USA/PA Images

Credit: USA TODAY Network/SIPA USA/PA Images

Perhaps you lack some confidence in something that is happening in your life right now. You fear that it could go wrong at any moment or that it already has. 

You may have found yourself in the middle of a situation lately where you felt inexperienced or silly. 

Perhaps you struggle to ask for help when you need it and the dream is telling you to seek out the assistance you need so that you don’t do something wrong for the sake of pride. 

It’s possible that something you thought would be easy is in fact a lot harder than you anticipated. Perhaps you have had a few setbacks while you figure out what is the most appropriate way to do something. You now know that practice makes perfect in this instance and mistakes are a part of the process.  

Doing something wrong in a dreamscape can also be linked to failing to impress or please others. 

If you constantly feel like you are falling short when it comes to keeping others happy, this could be why you dreamed of wrongdoing. 

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

Perhaps you feel that people don’t like you in a personal or professional setting and rather than making peace with the fact that not everyone gets along, you have attributed this dislike to there being something wrong with you.

If someone proved you wrong in an argument in your dream, it’s possible you are too stubborn to admit when you are wrong in your waking life.  Perhaps you need to accept that you aren’t always in the right and that your persistence may be driving people away. 

To admit that you are wrong in a dream suggests that you are or need to be more open to the ideas of others because there is no wrong answer- all ideas are good ideas. 

Finally, wrong in a dream implies that you struggle with the idea of perfection. Maybe you are putting too much pressure on yourself to be perfect when you can’t be and the dream is urging you to be more lenient or you will always be disappointed. 

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about shoes?

If the shoes didn’t fit then you might not be being true to yourself right now. Your actions are not in tune with your beliefs. Wearing shoes can also represent you being a well-grounded person or someone who’s down to earth- and not to lose sight of that. If you were changing your shoes over to another pair, then perhaps you are entering a big transition in your waking life right now. This could be a change in relationship, a change in job or location. Alternatively, it could represent your changed attitude towards something or a change in your understanding of someone.

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