To dream about a vacuum can mean two things.

Dreams on Female First
Firstly, if you saw a vacuum in space, in other words- somewhere entirely devoid of items, it’s possible you feel that you have nothing left to give, or that your life is hopeless.
If this sounds familiar, it might be time to seek out someone who can help you and who does have the tools to be able to change your circumstances.
It could also indicate a feeling of emptiness. Perhaps something or someone has left or been taken from your life lately and this has left you with a huge void.
Furthermore, consider the phrase ‘personality vacuum’- perhaps you feel so empty inside that you take energy from those around you. Whether this is intentional or not, it might be worth practicing some self-reflection to find out why you do this and how you can fill the space without taking from others.
More positively, a clear space, might indicate clean slate and a new beginning, the absence of anything could be a good thing if you want to start over.
On the other hand- consider a vacuum cleaner- something that sucks up dirt. The dream might be telling you to clean up your mess and not to expect someone else to do it for you.
If you were vacuuming in your dream, perhaps you don’t allow yourself any leniency in life. You are so worried about the aftermath of relaxing the rules that you never relinquish control.
If you want to keep every situation ordered and clinical, it’s possible you are driving others away because they know they can’t come to you for spontaneity or fun- you are too predictable and regimented in your ways.
Perhaps you want others to live the way you do but are consistently frustrated that they don’t want to fit in with your ways of doing things. It may take a little flexibility on both sides.