It is important to know what yor teeth represnt in the world of dreams to understand the meaning of dream.

Dreams - What They Mean
The main thing they represent and thus when interpretating the meaning is teeth are symbols of personal power.
If you are dreaming about your teeth grumbling apart, then you are feeling something is threatening you. Think back have you recently been in a situation in where you were embarrassed or made to feel inferior.
On the other hand, dreams of teeth falling out can point to renewal, have you have achieved growth, personal or spiritual, built inner strength, or broke away from a bad situation. Maybe you have left a job that's no longer working for you or are setting out on a significant spiritual journey of discovery.
If your dreams are more of cracked or chipped teeth this may signify you are feeling uncertain about the direction of your life, maybe in a relationship. You should therefore be looking to re-balance as this is important to maintaining good mental health.
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