If you dream about giving a speech, it’s possible you feel your ideas and your views are worthy of hearing. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

A speech might suggest that you see yourself as having reached your peak in an area of your life and so you are qualified to pass on your wisdom to others. 

Perhaps you feel you have an important message to relay to someone in your life or lots of people. Consider who was in the crowd for additional meaning. 

It’s possible you feel that those around you could do better and the speech was a sign that you need to push them to be the best version of themselves. On the other hand, the dream could be telling you to dial it down as it’s not your place or you are pushing this person too hard. 

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

Consider the mood of the dream- if there was a negative tone while delivering the speech, perhaps you worry about embarrassing yourself in front of others or you have a fear of speaking in front of others. It’s possible you have a speech coming up and the dream is a reflection of your anxiety surrounding this.  

If no one was listening to your speech or were taking an obvious disinterest, you may believe that your feelings and thoughts aren’t worthy of being shared. You lack confidence in your own ideas. The only way you will find out is to trust in them wholeheartedly. 

If you were in the audience, hearing a speech being delivered by someone else- consider what they were talking about and who it was. Do you need to take onboard what this person was saying? Perhaps their advice is invaluable to you at this time in your life and it’s important not to ignore it. Is this very person keen for you to do better? If so, why are you resisting them? How can you make the most of what they have to say and their experiences?

If the speech was heavy going- perhaps you are devoting too much time and energy to something that is not as bad as it appears. 

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about music?

The words of the song are equally as important as this can offer further interpretation to your dream. Consider how the lyrics relate to your life and what is happening in it right now. If the music was easy to listen to, then perhaps your life is going through a settled and happy patch. If the music was upbeat, then you might be excited about something that is happening to you now or that is in your future. Fast music suggests that things are getting ahead of you and you are racing to catch up. If the music was out of tune or wasn’t gelling together, you may be experiencing some happiness, worries or issues. If you were the one playing the music to others, you might be trying to alter the mood or atmosphere in some area of your waking life if it’s making you uncomfortable as it stands... to read more click HERE 

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