If you dream of a kite, it could be because you feel you’re ‘going up in the world’. You may be climbing the ladder at work, increasing your social circle or making a bigger commitment to your partner and feel you are achieving something or reaching the milestones you want to.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

If the kite blew away in your dream, it's possible something you’ve hoped for or a dream has passed you buy or is no longer within your reach, which might leave you feeling disappointed.  

On the other hand, perhaps you are reaching too high and need to bring your aspirations down a peg or two and be more realistic with what you want in life.

If you had good control of the kite, then maybe you are still grounded and have the ability and the drive to see your goals through, even if they are a massive undertaking.

When a kite falls or crashes to the ground in a dream, it could mean that you feel a sense of failure in your personal or professional life. It might be time it pick yourself back up, dust yourself down and try again.

RELATED: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams 

If you were flying kite with children then this could indicate a feeling of general happiness in your waking life right now. Perhaps you are quite comfortable with where you are and this is a representation of the contentment you feel. Or perhaps you need to let you inner child out more if you have been taking things too seriously lately.

Another interpretation is that something you are doing at present has strings attached to it and there will be a price to pay at the end of it- it might not be as good as it sounded at first.

Or someone could be pulling at your strings and trying to control the direction you are taking rather than letting you make the decisions for yourself.

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about the periodic table? 

Perhaps some area of your life has unravelled of late and you need to spend some time getting back in order. Do you need to ask for help with this or are you ok to do it on your own? A periodic table might also represent having all the facts in front of you at once so you can make an informed decision. If there were some elements missing from the table, you may not have all the information yet and are awaiting more. It may be up to you to find what is missing, in which case the dream might be telling you to find the motivation to seek out what you need. It’s possible that the way something is arranged in your life at present isn’t serving you well and you need to change the order for it to make more sense... to read more click HERE 

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