Right, to the juicy stuff, can you give us the scoop on Freddie and Effy?
I can't do that can I? [FF: Yes, yes you can!] I can't do that, but there's a bit of a surprise, which is not a surprise you would expect, so watch JJ's episode and hopefully you will like it.
What has been your most embarrassing scene to film?
Erm, it was during the sex scene and we filmed the scene in a cold, dark wood. We kind of picked that up in the studio and put loads of leaves and stuff all over the floor and had to lay all over the floor, and the director, Charles Martin kind of put the camera about two inches away from my face and said 'Right, I need you to look as though you are really enjoying this. We need to see Freddie climaxing' [FF: I roll my eyes. That must have been so hard to act...] Oh, god yeah, but then he kind of came and said to me 'I actually just did that for my own enjoyment, and we're actually not going to use that shot' so, it was a bit odd! [FF: So, we're assuming you do get a bit friendly with Effy?] Well, you don't know who, but it's with someone!
How would you describe the relationship between Cook, Freddie and JJ?
Well, there's a fine line between friendly bullying and just banter, and you know like friendly bullying, it's still friendly, even though they making someone feel low and down, but banter is all in jest and everyone knows that.
Does JJ finally stand up to Cook in the upcoming episode?
He does, yeah JJ realises that Cook isn't the kind of person he wants be be associated either, like Freddie realises too. Good things happen in episode 7!
Has Dev's success in Slumdog Millionaire inspired you to aim for Hollywood one day?
Majorly, he's the talk of everywhere at the minute. He's done himself so proud and done Skins a great load of good, and a lot of people ask us the Dev Patel question and just to think that he came from no acting experience, did two series' of Skins and now he's in Hollywood, he's done an amazing film that has won a stupid amount of awards and you know he's already got a part in another film, so he's doing really well.
You're involved with the TxtUp, StandUp campaign, what exactly are you doing for them?
Well, as soon as I head about TxtUp StandUp I wanted to get involved, because everyone has their experiences of bullying whether they're a bully, they're being bullied or know someone who has been bullied, and I think it's something that we should as a community wherever you are, is try and crack down on it....so I wanted to get involved.
Have you been a victim of bullying in the past?
I have yeah, and it was quite stupid but when I was 12/13 I got bullied for having shiny shoes [FF: trying to stifle a giggle. You didn't?!] Yeah...swear to god! Just goes to show you that a bully will bully you for anything.
What advice would you give to those who are being picked on?
Sign up to TxtUp StandUp, or go on the website. It's brilliant and I think the beauty of it is that it's for young people, by young people. A lot of people are being bullied, or are in that bullying circle and are a bti afraid to speak to people like their parents or teachers or anyone, so I think TxtUp StandUp gives you great advice on how to handle bullies and what to do if you're being bullied too and it's free and anonymous and that's the beauty of it.
Ok, well thanks for chatting to us!
No Probs, bye.
FemaleFirst- Laura Terry
Tagged in Skins