Bella Hadid has reportedly been on medical leave "for the past four months".

Bella Hadid is reportedly on medical leave

Bella Hadid is reportedly on medical leave

The 26-year-old model is being treated "daily" for her Lyme disease and she is not in rehab, despite rumours to the contrary.

A source told 'Entertainment Tonight': "Bella Hadid has been on medical leave for the past four months, and is in daily treatment for Lyme disease.

"Nine months ago, Bella decided she wanted to stop drinking, so she stopped. She has been sober for nine months and has never had an alcohol or drug problem. Bella is not in rehab."

Bella and her brother, Anwar Hadid, were both diagnosed with Lyme disease back in 2012.

Common symptoms of the disease include fever, headache, fatigue, and a rash, and Bella has been candid about her health struggles over the years.

In 2022, Bella confessed to suffering bouts of anxiety and depression that were linked to her Lyme disease diagnosis.

Speaking to WSJ. Magazine, the model added: "I haven’t had a stylist in a long time, maybe two years now. I was in such a weird place mentally that it was really complicated for me to get out of the house and put an outfit together, especially with the anxiety of [cameras] being outside and all that.

"In the last year, it was really important for me to learn that even if people talk about my style or if they like it or if they don’t, it doesn’t matter, because it’s my style. When I leave the house in the morning, what I think about is: Does this make me happy? Do I feel good in this and do I feel comfortable?"

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