The powder I blow in your face today
Won’t kill you until tomorrow.
The life I steal from your body
Was given to you only to borrow.
... I crave the life you claim to posses
Though your hands hold nothing
No honor or integrity to speak of
It is lies you always bring.
The dance I do in the forest
Under the harvest moon
Do nothing to desecrate the beings
That came along too soon.
They call me “Voler”
And I desperately long to learn
How it is that people can subsist
Spending more than they earn.
The witch hides in the forest
But I am not she.
I’m the perpetuator of death
The one you always flee.
I steal hope from your heart
And put worry in your mind.
If you seek the truth in a human
Then a lie you will always find.
Sowing and reaping is all you discuss
As if life holds some absolute.
When you chase a rainbow then get lost in the sky
Did you ever think to take another route?
So fold your hands in prayer each night
Then hold your breath for wraith.
Rest assured that soon I will come
And steal all your faith.
Tagged in josephine ranes